Timothy Norton wrote:I have been really fond of the noise cancelling technology certain headphones have these days. It is amazing how some can filter normal conversation to audible levels but cut out anything loud. If the wife or I are going to be particularly loud we utilize these technologies. Now comes the quick safety note. Most noise canceling headphones are not a substitute for actual hearing protection if the noise level is high enough to cause hearing loss/damage. I'd steer you to hearing protection products if you are planning on running a chainsaw or something similar.
I'm also a fan of background music in my house when possible. I have a record player, some audio equipment, as well as sometimes just singing something random while tootling along. Sometimes having something to focus on can help not pay attention to things that are more bothersome.
r ranson wrote:This is scary. We have very few smaller fabric shops left here, mostly quilting and one very old fabric shop that is all the way downtown. Most fabric is sold at the giant box store.
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:It's time to get in gear when the redbuds are blooming. Last frost here is near April 15th. I'm sowing some turnips and kale tomorrow. Evidence of my first asparagus spear quickly vanished today!