Vickie Reed

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since Nov 07, 2013
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Recent posts by Vickie Reed

Thanks for your answers Paul.
10 years ago

Jocelyn Campbell wrote:

Vickie Reed wrote:What is involved in the 3 weeks before for the "free" workshop? Thanks!

Goodness, we have all kinds of things going on. There could be some general janitorial or kitchen help, finishing up some of the structures and carts to be used in the solar workshop, prepping camping areas and/or the compost hot water showers, hugelkultur maintenance, finish work on a wofati, moving livestock fences, picking up garbage, peeling logs, chopping wood, and other both skilled and humble tasks.

Thanks Jocelyn for the list of things to be done! I live out of a 25' Airstream trailer. Would I be able to "camp" there in it and learn enough about solar that I could fix something up to power the Airstream?
10 years ago
What is involved in the 3 weeks before for the "free" workshop? Thanks!
10 years ago
Hello! Any suggestions about where to look for a Permaculture specialist in MO that could help me buy my first land purchase in the Southern MO/Ozark area?
11 years ago
Thanks for the movie Paul Wheaton!
11 years ago
Hello Jason!
Thanks for your message and for the links!
I don't know anything about rocket mass heaters. I suppose they would be something one could use to heat a house?
I'm definitely interested on any info and thoughts you have on Dancing Rabbit. Let me know how you want to communicate. By phone or e-mail.
I live West of St. Louis, near St. Charles, MO. The Ozarks are great and the best place to live so far as safety etc. as recommended by Joel Skousen in his "Strategic Relocation" book. My sister and her boyfriend live near St. James, MO and I plan on heading there if things get bad before I can get another place of my own set up first.
Best regards,
11 years ago

Colin Crossman wrote:hello Vickie...welcome,im a newie too....where`s that Montana? sorry im from England

Hey Colin!
Thanks for the welcome!
I live in Missouri. It's in the middle of the US. I've lived here most of my life and considered moving to Idaho because it's rated a good and safe place to live but I don't know a soul there. My sister lives in MO also and she is all that I have left of family.
There is an eco community in the North East part of MO that I put in an application for but I haven't heard back from them yet. It's called Dancing Rabbit. I can learn about building houses there.
Are there many communities like the Lammas one? I signed up for info on that project too. There are places all over where you can go to visit and volunteer. It seems like that would be quite an adventure!
Best regards!
11 years ago
Thanks for the welcome Miles!

The first pic in the above link is the original "Hobbit House" by Simon Dale. It seems that they have moved on from that house but the other houses they are building now are similar and yes they are very cool! I would love to find someone to build a house like this with!

11 years ago
Hello! I'm an active, attractive 59 year old woman looking for a life partner to build a Simon Dale house with in MO. I'd like to live a simple sustainable lifestyle, gardening, tending bees, chickens, rabbits and goats. If anyone is interested in this type of lifestyle and wants a partner, please contact me. Best regards to everyone in their journeys!
11 years ago