mark Tee

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since Nov 10, 2013
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I built one into a berm from an old irrigation ditch, digging in and down about 4-5 ft. deep. 8X10 interior dimensions, earthbag walls and a flat frame roof of 4x4's and 3/4" T&G plywood. The top was covered over with a few inches of dirt and some strawbales placed on top. It basically looks like a big mound of dirt with a slanted doorway on the front. I live in a very dry and very cold climate. Exterior walls are sheeted in 6mil plastic and 3"-4" poly iso insulation board I managed to get cheaply. The cellar has been great through the last 4 winters now.
11 years ago
Hi Measoms,

As far as intentional communities go,we have spent a bit of time looking at and visiting intentional communities. We looked at ones with a homesteading focus . I found that in most situations you will be looking at some working hours in the community and paying a certain amount of money per month to help pay for taxes, insurance, infrastructure upkeep. Not all that different than paying rent so you would need outside income just as you do now. Another option would be communities that are income sharing, if you are into that. It would provide you with an onsite job. The best thing to do, if you can, is to take some time and set up visits with communities you are interested in. You can probably find some with openings while you are touring around that you could do a trial residency at.

Another option if you want to learn some type of farming is to do an internship for the 2014 season at small organic farms. These are possible all over the country and will usually provide you will housing and food in exchange for long hours of hard work. I know in Southern Oregon the season could run April to Nov. Check out

As for us, I would be looking at needing help with construction work in exchange for housing and sharing gardening, chickens, turkeys, etc.

I can give you more detailed suggestions on specific communities, farms in southern Oregon, and our family homestead situation if you are interested. Email me at

Hope this helps a little,
11 years ago
Hi Measom Family - Sounds like you are fairly wide open with your request. Can you provide more specifics? In a new setting would you be needing housing, income, what kind of income? Are you looking for a place to live and expect to work outside of that place OR are you looking for a work trade situation? Commercial farm? Small homestead? Intentional community? My family is located in Colorado on an off-grid homestead. We are well set up but currently have only one residence on the property and are planning more. We could be interested in some discussion. I also might be able to direct you to other possibilities if you have a more defined vision of what you are looking for.
11 years ago