Hi everyone
I am a permaculture designer in Europe, and I am still looking for a clear and efficient adviser on rocket mass heaters installs at my clients. I often include Rocket mass heaters to my designs and push my clients to use this solution for their home as I am really convinced by Paul Wheaton research on this, as he has been pushing these for years. It is about saving the world after all
https://permies.com/t/269585/Poor-man-poll-alternate-RMH#2829801. I'm moving house myself, and I need help dimensioning the thing and I don't know how to get "experienced" help because it's not as developed in France, lots of people are experimenting but no one has a global experience to be able to advise on adapting RMH to different setups and contexts (home volume, climate, sun exposure, wall material, floor type, etc).
So if I need someone, a real human

not only pdfs and videos, not necessarily based in Europe to help me and my clients with the designing/dimensioning/installation of rocket mass heaters, who would you recommend I could call/visio, brief him/her on the context and he/she sends me the design blueprint for the particular client case ?
I have someone here to build the design with me then.
@paulwheaton can you give me a pointer to help support the RMH cause in France ?
Thank you