Anne Miller wrote:
Since you are unable to get ilex vomitoria plants are seeds available?
Have you tried any of the other coffee substitutes?
My favorite, yerba mate seems a good one for Spain.
Edward Lye wrote:WARNING some wood/trees/organics give off toxic fumes when burnt. The Manchineel tree is but one example.
Paul Haggerty wrote:I am sort of working on a pipe dream holly breeding project.....
So if you wanted to have a go at doing something similar, maybe some of my planning will help.
Matt McSpadden wrote:While I hate to resurrect old posts....
Nicole Alderman wrote:
Debbie Ann wrote: Everything in my gardens were covered in pill bugs and earwigs and lots of other bugs. They never stopped at the compost! They ate everything and multiplied like crazy.
I'm not sure if this would help, but my mallard-type ducks LOVE pillbugs/rollypollies/isopods/potato bugs/what-ever-they're-called-regionally. Sluggo also works on them. Mallard ducks probably wouldn't care for the super-hot heat in your hot spot (mine were unhappy when we got to 110ish last year), but maybe muscovies ducks can handle the heat better?
Mk Neal wrote:
I’m not sure if they ship to Europe, but if you are looking for non Japanese source of kombu, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables is a U.S company sustainably harvesting kelp from North Atlantic waters.
Sat Atma Khalsa wrote:To make beans easier to digest, you can add epazote, a Mexican herb. There is a European herb as well, what is it called in english? Bean herb? Aah, no, it is called savory.
Gina Capri wrote: You also cook beans with potassium, per my sister-in-law’s advice, so they give you less gas.
Kris Nelson wrote: