Satamax Antone wrote:Rob, show us a picture of your fireplace, and inside the chimney opening, looking up.
I'm pretty sure something can be done, if big enough. But, without a pic, i can't tell much. A sketch with dimensions could be cool too.
allen lumley wrote:
After you have made one and used it out of doors, you will quickly find out why it is recommended for out door use only, Having said that they are very handy
things to have in a back corner of your Garage/ down cellar when mother nature ''takes you off grid''! Go for it ! For the good of the Craft!
Erica Wisner wrote:Ernie suggests a Pocket Rocket like the one on pp. 76-77 of the Rocket Mass Heaters book. ( Sminfiddle suggested something similar toward the end of his ideas - like he said, it's not the prettiest thing ever, but it's neat.
You can make a small one from a 5-gallon bucket and 2 pieces of scrap stovepipe, and get a lot of radiant heat. The fire is concentrated near the bottom so you get more of the warmth. Fun project, fuel-efficient, quick heat in the evenings, and gives you practice operating a J-tube rocket stove if you want to build one later.