Sam Barber

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since Nov 27, 2013
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Recent posts by Sam Barber

We got some seeds from R. Read from permies today thank you! He sent us some Field Penny Cress and some Skirret seeds. Thanks a ton!
9 years ago
One thing that we ran into was the larger the seeds the more difficult the seed balls are to make. This last batch that we did we had a mix that included pea seeds which are about 3/16ths of an inch wide. When we were doing these large seeds the seed balls didn't form uniformly and there were a lot of pea seeds that were coated in clay but they didn't form into balls and the ones that did form into balls were not very uniform. they varied in size from .25 in to 1.00 in where as the batches that were made with smaller seeds were more along the lines of .5in to .75in.

9 years ago
We also received some targets for the cross bow they are super awesome! Thanks!
9 years ago
More pictures of the gift from Judith.
9 years ago
We also received an amazing array of dying materials, also some vegetable dyed yarns, An apron, several pouches of wool and spinning materials, an awesome bag to carry it all in and an apron!
9 years ago
We recieved some more bungee cords and more tool belts. Thanks so much these are super useful!
9 years ago
I am 96.3% sure that it was all done via chain saw
9 years ago
That is an awesome excerpt. How much of the book do you have done? I think you brought up a lot of good points that a lot of the other survival fiction books have glossed over or romanticized. Such as how boring the food is as well as the repercussions that you might see from killing someone local while defending your property. Great stuff! Is there any way to read more of it?
9 years ago
Some pure silly fun that would get used would be the thisSettlers of Catan expansion pack. Or this game Cards against humanity.
9 years ago