Shannon Simmons

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since Dec 02, 2013
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Dont need to spend anywhere near $2000 for a ram pump.

There are prefab ones sold for a fraction of that or can build one yourself with a very limited amount of plumbing parts from local hardware store.
7 years ago
There are some great videos on YouTube showing practical use of ram pumps including setup and priming. Search for "wranglestar ram pump"

Wranglestar is a homesteader that has been on YouTube since early days and has great videos on many subjects.
7 years ago
Excellent work guys!

Have you considered designing a stove specifically for a pressure cooker? Difference being you would have to be able to regulate temperature to maintain proper pressures. I would think this cou!ld be done with some type of diverter or heat shield possibly.

I pressure can meat every fall. A propane turkey fryer burner works well for this for a large American pressure cooker. Would love to get away from propane and use stick fuel.
7 years ago
Like the idea of skirting bottom with straw bales. As far as top would want to block one end that faces prevailing wind.
7 years ago
Btw on my next property I do plan on incorporating chicken coop and high tunnel.

Year round coop will attached to green hose but not in green house. During winter months chickens will have access to parts of the greenhouse which I will rotate.

But I still think you could keep chickens in green house year round if the density was managed so that ventilation managed the dust.
7 years ago
There are many beneficial connections between a flock of chickens and your crops. As mentioned above check out Justin's YouTube channel. Free ranging in garden may not be the best though. Use your chickens on garden in the off season to clean up and fertilize.

Watch "Justin Rhodes" on YouTube
7 years ago
A couple points....

You should never have an ammonia smell if your deep litter is kept in balance. Straw is a terrible material for deep litter. Wood chips as was mentioned above is much better or any carbon source that doesn't clump up and can be turned easily. Meaning easily by the chickens not by you.

As far as dust with proper ventilation I believe this is very manageable. I am assuming your birds will not spends days cooped up in the coop and that your greenhouse isnt completely air tight.
7 years ago
Humans sustained themselves just fine with out oil. A better question is how will we sustained ourselves without oil. Modern society will face much more challenges in a life without oil.

Our reliance on a global economy made possible by cheap energy has allowed us to concentrate populations and build infrastructures that are completely unsustainable when we no longer have cheap liquid fuel to transport foods from areas of high production to areas of high population. We will need a complete restructure of our societies, eating local will be come a necessity instead of a catchy phrase.

We have no alternative energy source that will prevent this. Over time we will all have to live simpler liver relying on less and less energy.
7 years ago
Sounds like you have a high fungal pile where most of the time when piles get out of balance it is more to the bacteria side. Would be great to spread around any trees you want to give a boost to, I would think.
7 years ago
Btw I've been a long time lurker and have listen to all of Paul's podcast. Almost feel like I know you.
7 years ago