After reading about hugelkulture, and the idea of less frequent watering, I decided it would be great to try it out at my new community garden plot. I've taken pictures over the past month and a half that it took me to put this together, a few hours here and there. I started with a grassy plot, covered it with cardboard, wheelbarrowed in wood chips donated from the county road crew, found logs and kelp on the beaches of our island, (San Juan Island). Found a huge dead log that I dug out for loamy rotten wood, full of fungus. There was a bit of hauling with 5 gallon buckets, I hope this all works out.
The community garden folks let me dig out one of their full compost bins, that's the black gold on top. I'm thinking about bring in a thin layer of low grade clay-ish dirt for soil structure to cap off before spring planting.