Hello partners.
I attach the last drawing of the heater and the bench. There are new things that I submit to examination.
Metal profiles. Metal and heat do not combine well, I made a design in which the lintels rest on pillars, it was well within the dimensions of the web; but it is undeniable that they restrict the passage of gases. I made this other one, with beams for the openings. As the joint is 5mm I have opted for a 50x50x5mm L profile. The wings are inserted in place of the joint and the brick rests without mortar on the beam. The expansion of the thickness will be minimal, but not in the length, for which I will leave a 3mm tolerance on each side, I think it will be enough. I use two facing L's to hug the bricks. They are located on the lintels leading to the bench, at the exit to the chimney and on the batchbox. The latter will be wrapped in superwool, the others I have not contemplated. Give me your opinion on all of this.
The internal area of the bell is 5.41m2, that of the bench is 3.53m2; their sum is 8.94m2. It is below the 9.4m2 of the web. To get closer to that figure I have three options. First, raise a brick plus the bell (11cm), it has a height of 2.09m so it would be 2.10m; Keep in mind that the ceiling is lower than usual, it is only 2.38m. Second, lengthen a brick plus the bank (24cm). Both report 0.3 m2, so we are very close to the recommendation. Third, leave it like this to ensure a slight power excess and good draw in all circumstances. Which option do you consider more correct?
I was worried that the fumes that go down the right and rear side of the batchbox would find the exit to the outside before the passage to the bank. I placed some unglued bricks over the lid of the box to cover that gap, is it useful or a waste of time?
I placed three 10cm diameter round logs, please tell me if the number and location are correct.
On the door, I sized the air inlet to 7850mm2, I found that the profile that supports the glass is the one that restricts the passage of primary air upwards, to eliminate this possibility I have chosen to reduce the lower part of the glass by increasing the metallic part, with which we leave enough space for the primary air. Tell me if it seems correct to you.
For the bench I found some cement slabs with 100x100x4 cm, a bit big to handle; I can always cut them in half. I have to ask if they have metal mesh inside, I imagine that this is not advisable for mixing with heat.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation, Peter.