Nance Smith

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since Jan 13, 2014
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Recent posts by Nance Smith

Thanks so much for your tip. I also grow mine in flats in a soilless mix. I germinate them in my house than transfer to my greenhouse.  I live in zone 6. Might this be a problem?Isn’t it fairly warm in Arkansas? Not good with geography!LOL!
5 years ago
Anyone have tips on growing beetmicrogreens. I have tried every possible way,and I still continue to get damping off and a few beet seedlinglings. If anyone can share tips on growing them successful from type of soil they use,germination,etc. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
5 years ago
Thank you for your reply. Would it help if I were to mix it with topsoil?
5 years ago
I have been growing a lot of plants in my GH, and have been disposing the soilless mix in my vegetable garden. Can anyone please tell me what I will need to amend the soil?,eg Topsoil,etc. Thank you
5 years ago
Okay I think I’m beginning understand but how do you know what is a normal dew point. In other words how did you know 53 dew point is okay
6 years ago
Yes I’m concerned about the plants,I’m getting a lot of damping off. For example this morning the greenhouse temp read temp 64 humidity 69.When I went in the greenhouse the exhaust fan was going. The dehumifier was full. Shouldn’t  the humidity level have been lower than this. It seems like it will be fairly expensive in the winter to heat. How did you figure out the dew point? It seems I need to focus on that,however what is considered okay for the plants. Is there an article you can recommend I read to familiarize myself with this?Thank you so much for your help!
6 years ago
Thanks so much for your response.I have a thermometer in there that tells me the temp.and humidity level. I’m assuming I’m reading the RH,but not sure.  I do heat the greenhouse,in the winter as I do grow microgreens in there. In the wi tee though if I heat the greenhouse to 75 the humidity does not go,down much,this is where I get frustrated and confused. Is there something I’m doing wrong. I have now put a dehumidifier in there hoping that will help my problem. It’s also difficult to keep the humidity down when it’s raining outside.
6 years ago

It’s been a while since I posted but glad to be back. I am having trouble understanding humidity in a greenhouse. I have a small 12x 16’ greenhouse. I get how to reduce it but what about in Winter. I’ve read articles that say for example if temperature is 70 ideal RH is 91%. This makes no sense to me. Can anyone tell me what is a good humidity level in a greenhouse in the winter. Our temps. can get in the single digits.
Thank you.
6 years ago
I recently had more shelves put in. MY greenhouse. It is 2 tiered. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might add an automatic misting system whereby all the trays would get water. They are seedlings I'm working with. Thank you
8 years ago
What are the ideal conditions for growing red veined sorrel microgreens in greenhouse. Mine come out stunted.Thank you
8 years ago