Bill Erickson

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since Jan 25, 2014
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Retired ariwing jarhead working a second career as an engineer in the semi-conductor world to be finally free.
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Northwest Montana from Zone 3a to 4b (multiple properties)
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Recent posts by Bill Erickson

I pledged for this and added the Rainwater collection one to it as well. I'm Wardog on the Kickstarter.
3 years ago

Kerry Rodgers wrote:

Kerry Rodgers wrote:I'm offering $20 each to the next 5 residents who start or continue a blog thread in the "wheaton laboratories" forum.

This has gone pretty well, with 4 awarded so far.   I don't want it to end! There are still two slots open in the boot program, and possibly more people will be having a stay at the Labs once the weather gets warmer.  So I want to recharge this bounty by  adding 5 more instances of it to the bounty list.

If you're new to all this, look at the top post on page one of this tread for details.  Note that this is one of the few bounties that can be done on your first day at Wheaton Labs, and even by short-term residents.

Numbers upped to have "6" instances now!!

The Paypal thing is a new policy of theirs regarding "wallets" and how money is handled. Apparently I have to provide proof of PHYSICAL residence vice my mailing information. Fun, as I am on the road.
5 years ago
Paypal is giving me some bureaucratic BS which I have to wait through prior to transferring fundage. Please be patient.

This is cool to see folks doing awesome things and documenting it for everyone and getting bounties for it on top of it all. I'm still hoping to see the test Moon Gate finished, I may have to do add some fundage there.
5 years ago
I received an email from Nichole and have been working on getting Akhu his bounties - which I have emailed him about. I'm currently on a road gig, so my apologies for being slow to respond.
5 years ago
I’d like in on this please, if it gets more people in, so much the better.
5 years ago

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:

Bill Erickson wrote: ....

Inge, it’s your pledge and so you can define it. Do you want it to be ‘first’, a certain number or ‘any? Let me know how you want it tailored and I’ll make it so!

Thank you Bill. Please make it 'first'. I have wool for one hat (to start with ...).

And done!!
5 years ago

Inge Leonora-den Ouden wrote:

Bill Erickson wrote:...
For the Residents of Wheaton Labs---this includes Ants, Boots, Gappers and Fred. (But not Jocelyn or Paul--sorry!)
Any Resident to make at least one post a week about their life/work on wheaton labs during 3 months (September, October, November 2018 )  (Post can be text only, but I like to see some pictures or even videos now and then).

  • a hand-knitted wool hat/ cap - Inge Leonora-den Ouden
  • (size, colour and other specifications of the hat to be sent)

  • ...

    So the time for that hat I wanted to knit has finished. Nobody to knit it for ...
    Could this be changed? It will still be three months, without mentioning which months. Any three consecutive months.
    Now I've got some nice wool. It's handspun, uncoloured ('white' sheep), of sheep from the 'Deventer schaapskudde' (herd of sheep of Deventer, those are the town's grass-mowing sheep).

    I'd like to know who really are the 'residents' now. I know of boots: Chris, Philip and Robbie. And there's Fred. Are there any 'ants' now, or anyone else?

    Inge, it’s your pledge and so you can define it. Do you want it to be ‘first’, a certain number or ‘any? Let me know how you want it tailored and I’ll make it so!
    5 years ago

    Nicole Alderman wrote:I just wanted to say that, if two boots finished making 90 pics/day on the same day, I would make them each a fairy/elf/figure of their choice. The same applies to two residents making 2 posts per week for 90 days and receiving a custom dragon. Just know that it might take me a few months to make everything!

    That is an awesome offer, Nicole!
    5 years ago
    I voted the same as Nicole, for the same reason. Color grabs the eye better than line art.
    5 years ago
    So, we are starting to get some clearance of some of the pledges, we also have a bunch of great ideas without pledges for them. This latter part is where you, meaning the permies community at large, come in - I'm inviting more folks to make pledges, from money to stuff.

    There are things in the Ant Love or Boot/Gapper Love threads that can be offered up from tools to Personal Protective Equipment for some of the construction/woodcraft tasks that get done.
    Individual bits of clothing, hand made or not.
    Gift Cards
    Unusual foods!
    Usual foods!

    The only limit is your imagination and what you are willing to share.

    Don't forget, don't see that "thing you want to have happen/see" on the list? Suggest it along with a pledge. Forward momentum is an awesome thing.
    5 years ago