Hi, its great to see replies! Thank you Jay for the careful advice. & the kids are all great! Twins are huge and proof of how great nursing is (no 'food' yet!!)!!!
The whole barn is american chestnut (according to old old original family next door) The peg was pulled out (god only knows why) but the timber was intact at the time when I had it first looked at. The 'expert' who visited thought he could see a peg, He also thought that the dinky stick built additions on either side would "keep the building in place regardless". I did not really agree, but left it alone.
Two heavy snow loaded winters later (2014 I couldn't get in there.. ) I noticed and posted that there was a problem. If you can see the back wall, upper left, the beam seems to be splitting due to the pull that the peggless beam allowed. So, really, HELP!
I have access to a real come-along with chains (courtesy of my electrician, who is all around handy.. but a little too 'don't worry' for my taste on these things) and we were talking about running right through the outside wall to circle the upright beam we want to pull, and the same on the other side, so that we would be pulling the two uprights to each other. (he wanted to do something like Scott said on the beam to rig the other end to, but I want to be comfortable about this) and then pull the frame together.
If we went forward on this, what do I do about the far wall? Pull it at the same time, to be sure it doesn't torque ? And do I then add some detail to strengthen the now weakened beam attachment?
Jay, are you in this area some time, on a fancy job you can take a moment away from?