PIP Magazine - Issue 19: Ideas and Inspiration for a Positive Future
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D. Young

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since Jan 28, 2014
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OK: I'll bite. What is Lonicera?
10 years ago
I don't suppose you could have a contest where we travel to see and learn from the Mighty Sepp in person? One can dream.
10 years ago
Here in N Florida we get 66" of rain a year and have soil as flat and drainable as a kid's sandbox; so swales are low priority; but I'd still love to attend. Especially if we get 5 min driving the big machinery! "I crush your car!" Plus, I could use a little Montana time.
10 years ago
I've been contemplating the same thing here in FL. I'm currently unemployed and not able to build the ICF home I want... so mobile home for now.

I'd also contemplated some type of iron frame structure and corrugated sheet metal over that to to protect from our occasional hurricane.
10 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, Heidi! (I too have hickory and walnuts... several well as chinquapin, pecan and sunflowers planted.)

I had not heard of that press before, thanks!

Here's another oil press that I don't think has been linked to. Don't know if it's any good.
10 years ago
Here in N. FL, we have a wonderful resource in Brandy Cowley-Gilbert at Just Fruits in Medart, FL.

Brandy is a world-class expert --decades of experience-- on fruit trees that do well in our Gulf Coast area; from Kiwi to Olive.

She even mixes custom fertilizers for each variety!

I've planted two of her Arqebina (sp?) cultivars... a year later they're still alive even after the record cold spells we've had this winter.

The idea of my own EVOO drizzled on top of my own kiln-baked bread REALLY motivates me.

Thanks for what you've done; and please continue to provide info and links on this (growing your own oil) subject.
10 years ago