charles micheals

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since Feb 18, 2014
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Josh Ritchey wrote:Doc,

I'll have to PM you, we may have a bit to talk about. Meigs and Sequatchie counties have no building code based on my research and are quite close to Chatanooga which is a bit of a hippie cluster but a fiarly nice city, IMO.

There are some small earthship communities I've heard about in Sequatchie county.

Hope this helps, good luck.

this is true about Sequatchie county. dont know about Meigs though. I live in a neighboring county and have first hand experience in the codes. Another county for the moment is Bledsoe county. which is also beside sequatchie. Also, I plan on starting on a hobbit house made from cob this year. about to build a test rocket stove in the back yard as soon as weather and work permits. the house will basically be like a apartment to initially move on the land. next year i hope to start on the main house. maybe .....

but yea, in summary, them counties currently have little codes. the important ones are there, but the redundant crap is not. although talks have come up a few times about enforcing stronger codes. wont be long before it passes and put into effect i am sure.
11 years ago