Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Carmen Cormier

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since Feb 25, 2014
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In regards to this website; I'd like people to know that I'm an artistic oddball who would love to just get away and provide a better life for my family.

I wanted to study medicine and came to a larger city center from a northern Ontario middle of no where town. I didn't feel like being owned by a pharmaceutical company, I wanted to heal people.

I've discovered that the best way to be healthy is to be away from the city. Who would have figured?

I am an artist of many colors and was a master of graphic design before computers. Well practiced in everything from photography to tattoo art. I have a unique combination of artistic skills.

I also write extensively.

My life goal is to find hundreds of acres of land, build some great cabins for my family and loved ones, and say goodbye to this crazy world.

Today we hand our five year old children plastic dishware, well in my day at five my dad handed me an axe and my first gun by ten.  I was responsible enough to use them and I feel my children should have the opportunity to have the same training and freedom.

I can't eat the food in the city, it's disgusting and I just keep getting sicker. I need a real garden, I need real meat. My family deserves this.

I plan to sustain my income by breeding my dogs. I have Argentinian Dogo Mastiffs who are the best hunting dogs in the world hands down.
They're loyal and love children, and they can take down mountain lions. Best dogs ever!
I currently have one bitch, and plan on purchasing a second after the next litter. I can think of no better place to breed and raise these dogs than in north Ontario, up in the woods, far north. Where? We're looking for land right  now!
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Recent posts by Carmen Cormier

Okay well send the invite I want to get involved with you guys!

Have you looked into Crowd Funding as a resource yet?

11 years ago
I was hoping you guys had started a group here in Hamilton!

I think we should turn all of those ugly parking lots downtown into parks, personally.

With the initiative to make downtown a traffic free area why not jump on that bandwagon and find a way to put a forest behind the McNabb bus terminal with a community garden in the middle.

No more super schools and mega lots, give it up for real?

I'd like to try to take over all of the vacant lots and plant trees myself. I know with enough people and enough influence we could make things happen.

I myself spent last summer on the bruce trails and dundas valley in the woods when I wasn't camping out in my wooden hut on the bay! I even lived kind of illegally on the RBC grounds that was awesome!

Hamilton has a lot of great nature to explore but I am starting to hate the grindstone creek cement jungle they've constructed. That used to be an awesome place but in the nature of "conservation" tar paper, plastic and cement were installed everywhere.

Even the RBC has changed. We need to do something to take this city back as the wonder it really is. Come on how can you explore the city of waterfalls when you have to move a shopping cart out of the way to jump off the falls into...who knows what is in that water now. Used to be great places to swim. We need to counter develop.

I'm actually thinking of taking off, I'm looking to buy land up north and just say goodbye to all of this society BS. Start my own thing where no one can bug me or ruin nature.

Either way we should all get organized here in Hamilton. Is there a group started or would you like to start one? I'm sure we have enough people here on this thread alone to pull off a few small feats of wonder.

How say? Yes I'm on FB but I just use that to post pics of my kids not much into the whole techy stuff.

11 years ago
Have any of you tried COUCH SURFING?

Just wondering everyone seems to be really excited to get to the conference and it seems hard to find a place to stay.
When I travel I use Couch Surfing because it's FREE.

There's even a website where you can sign up that has people who are verified to be SAFE. This will save you a lot of money, most couch surfing hosts ask that you help out with meals and housework while you stay, and that's the spirit I see all over this site.

So if you're looking for a place to stay check out couch surfing! Another great idea is to look at STUDENT ROOMS and STUDENT HOUSES if it's during the Off Season you can get a room for 300$ a month in a student house.

11 years ago
We're a family looking for a better life in ONTARIO

We are 43, 31, 9 and 6 with dogs.

We are tough, experienced and resilient. From the colonies of Alberta to the Bush of Northern Ontario we have lived and survived in some of the wildest and most beautiful parts of this country. When in town we have worked in many construction and skilled trades positions. I am a tattoo artist; also photography, sculpting, painting and theatrical work. I have experience with community gardens and was raised growing and making everything by hand.

Our plan is to get 150+ acres and become self sufficient with 3-5 other families. My partner wants to be totally secluded from society and while I agree I'd still like to see people, like minded people every so often. I'd even like to be a part of a small community. If you have a project in Ontario that needs help, we may be interested please let us know!

My 9 year old has designed her own cabin already and is determined to live in a tent until she builds it. She's a lot like my partner. Last year we stayed in a wooden hut we built on a peninsula of crown land. We're excited to establish a permanent settlement. My partner just wants to take off and go live in the woods full time forever right now this second. I agree with him and I know he's going to do it, we're going to do it. The kids need a permanent home however and before we can move out to the woods full time we're going to need to establish that.

If you share this dream or know of anyone who does please let me know!
11 years ago
It has to depend on the couple themselves.

I won't work with ANYONE BUT my Partner.

And if someone wants the best help they can ever get on any project we're experienced with than they have to take us both.

So my conclusion would be this. ESTABLISHED COUPLES = Yes

People who are in a "relationship" and haven't raised kids and homes together = No

I have worked with my partner on several construction jobs, never told my boss we were a couple, never had any issues.
11 years ago
Please keep in touch with me I would like to come visit when I go to Bulgaria. My daughter is from Bulgaria, her father Bogdan Cekov is still there. We cannot find him and plan to return to look for him when she is older. We will need a place to stay and people to stay with for several months when we do visit. We have been searching for him for 10 years. My daughter just wants to know if he is still alive and what he looks like.

We will be coming to Bulgaria when we can afford to, please let us know how you are doing and how we can help!

If you are in Bulgaria and can help us find him please let me know. We lived in the housing projects across from the stadium in Sofia in 2001.

By the way do not speak English in permies, get a local to do all of your shopping! My cab ride to my home was 50 leva, back to the airport it was 5 leva because my husband was speaking Bulgarian. Trust me, prices change for English Speakers!
11 years ago
I have to rep the dogs I breed.

Argentinean Dogo Mastiff for the win!

It's original purpose was to hunt Mountain Lions and Wild Boar. Comes from an extinct fighting dog, the Cordoba, and will guard you and yours with it's very life.
Tougher than a pit bull, stronger than a Rottweiler, and more loyal than a German shepherd. They also have a short white coat that could cope with Florida heat!

Look into this breed, I fell in love instantly when we got our first bitch and now we're breeding these dogs.

By the way, if you're getting a PET QUALITY DOG expect nothing more.
Right now our pet quality dogos go for a minimum of $1200 for a PET QUALITY ANIMAL. One trained and raised to live in a typical urban family home.

A WORK Dog of this breed can cost you up to $3000 but would be trained to run with horses and take down large game.
When we establish our homestead we will be training and breeding working dogs full time.


And German shepherds are just CUTE. Get a real Dogo if you want protection, they don't bark they bite first ask questions later when it comes to predators. Just don't keep pigs they hunt those

11 years ago
I breed Argentinian Dogo Mastiffs. If you want an Amazing Family Dog that will kill anything that attacks but never turn on you or your children than this is the dog to go for. They also don't bark for "nothing" which is my favorite trait. My dogs bark, I know something's up!

The breed was started in 1929 from the Cordoba Fighting Dog (now extinct) for the purpose of being both a hunting dog And a companion. Several other breeds such as the Bull Terrier and Great Dane were selectively bred into this ultimate dog.

They look like 100lb white Pitt Bull. Can be trained to hunt Mountain Lions.

Any questions?

Seriously look into this breed. My girl won't be ready for a litter until next heat but there are other breeders online if you're interested.
11 years ago
Hey just wanted to give my salutations from Hamilton to everyone on the board who's from around here.

Please keep me informed of any projects I want to get involved in the local community and learn as much as I can until I can get myself some land up north and take off!
11 years ago
Greetings Ontario Permies, I came to you because honestly I WANT OUT OF HERE!

I'm sure we could go on about a million reasons, but in the long and short of it city living is killing me, and my family.

My goal is to find at least 100 acres and become self sufficient. I came here to ask for help.

I have children, I'm a tattoo artist with 10+years experience and I breed hunting dogs. I grew up on St. Joseph Island in the bush. My mother sold our 5 acres when I turned 18 and for the last 13 years I've lived in the city without any choice.

As a child we grew everything ourselves, and made everything ourselves. I'm french/native Canadian with just enough Italian to know what I'm doing in the kitchen. We used to make our own wine, meats and preserves. Where did that go? I want it back.

I'm looking for anyone who would like to partner up to help each other out.

I have found land that can be shared between 3-5 families with a lot of elbow room.

I'd like to meet a few people and seriously talk about buying this 150 acres.
All I'm going to say about it here and now is that the land I have my eye on has a little river, is surrounded by crown land, is not in an organized township and most likely not suited to large agriculture. It's prime hunting/fishing land. I can ALMOST afford it on my own. Almost!

We'd like another couple families or even individuals to move up and start a little forest homestead with us.

OR If you're starting a similar project on your own, we'd be more than happy to help!

My partner and I both have construction and trades experience; we are 31 and 43 with a lot of hard work experience and nature survival under our belts. Last year we spent 2 months outside in the wilderness in a small wood hut or on trails our longest day walk being over 40kms on the trans Canada.
Since being in the city I have been sick, depressed and unable to get out of bed some days.

Take me home!

11 years ago