Peter Nagy

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since Feb 25, 2014
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Recent posts by Peter Nagy

This topic seems to be more relevant by the day. I'm trying to follow developments, but it's impossible to stay on top of it, as there are new tools and use cases every week.

However, I've stumbled upon some info regarding smaller open source models trained on quality datasets which perform disproportionately well, as compared to the big guns like GPT-4 and Gemini.

It occurred to me that one of these models could be trained further on permies posts to create a "permie design buddy" of sorts we could bounce ideas off of. I'm sure these threads would make a high quality dataset of high practical value.

Useful discussions might be posted on the forums for the benefit of others.

A manually triggered bot might be created on the forums to offer some advice when there is no biological intelligence available on a topic.

Would that be considered useful or safe by permies standards?

If there's interest I could do some focused research to track down relevant sources of information for this use case.

I understand there will be resistance in many of you (I feel it too), but I think this could have awesome benefits too. Could be a way to infect more brains perhaps?
9 months ago
I'm seeing the header button texts squished up in a single line (screenshot attached).

For whom it may concern: it looks like the reason is a css property of

Besides that, it's looking good to me!
glitch-1:  color mismatch - nope
glitch-2:  birdshit - yup
glitch-3:  green line error - nope (no pies or mistery features)
glitch-4:  irregular button spacing - yup

Ubuntu 19.04 64bit, Firefox 72.0.1 (64 bit)
About homesteading vs living in the city: Mother Mother - Dirty Town

This one is more about the movement and the greater picture: Rising Appalachia - Resilient  
5 years ago