Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Electric Frontporch

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since Mar 26, 2014
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Sorry if this is redundant.......slow down......most hunters have troubles because they are moving too fast.......hunt like you meditate......never rush.....take it as it comes
10 years ago
I live in florida and orange trees are abundant.....they are great for carving spoons......As a rule any tree that has fruit, nuts, or thorns is a good candidate for spoons or making bows for that regards to green vs seasoned wood....definitely carve green wood....once reduced to smaller dimensions the end grain is less likely to check as a split log left to dry.....and carving dry wood is way too much work
10 years ago
Having access to scads of acorns at home, and having processed them in numerous fashions.......the cold water rinse is definitely the best way......trying to speed the leeching process with a device is by my estimation...not beneficial.......soak them in water for a few days....drain them......soak them again.......and again and they say....nothing good is rushed
10 years ago