Mike Hamilton

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since Mar 29, 2014
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north end of the Keweenaw Mi.
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scratch the myofascial therapy for now,,don't want to do more damage

the oils will help with the pain management [don't want to see ya get hooked like I did]

9 years ago
been dealing with the same issues sense 2011 due to head trauma and neck fusion
did the MD.route and no progress
found out about myofascial therapy and essential oils
finally weening off the med's with moderate pain [2-3,,facial numbing down to 1 from 8]

all I can say is check it out it worked for me

9 years ago
My first year trying this turned out fantastic in the Hugel Bed
the only issue was the tomato plants were so big and loaded with tomatoes we had a hard time staking them up
the stalks at the base were 3/4-1'' in diameter
the end product was 3-4 times more than any other method I tried

due to family issues,little time was put into the garden
planted and walked away from it for the summer
I did loose some starts[1/2 due to something yanking them out of the ground]
and the deer knocking the plants over getting to the white clover on top of the hill also the beets

all in all it was a ''bumper crop'' with little work

Mike Hamilton
9 years ago
welcome to permies Mary

just remember one thing an older gentleman shared with my wife and I

being a yoouper is not being born here, its in your heart and how you live your life up here [not like below the Big Mack]

wen we travel we tell people we are not from Michigan,we are from the Keweenaw [lots of strange looks]

9 years ago

Daniel Morse wrote:Hi guys. Just wanted to suggest that everyone get some chickens. Hi, the earthquake on the 2nd was epicentered behind my house. Going to be a lovely summer I think. Anyone get frost yesterday?

snow on the ground this am and we got a little shaker up here on the ridge [new crack in grout joint]

9 years ago
one way I tried was just pull the product [tested with radishes]and set them in a glass jar of water , roots and all.[just the roots submerged ]
the radishes were grown in compost and 4'' deep food service trays.
after harvest the lasted 2 weeks at room temperature and sun lite till they looked too gnarly to eat.
after we get caught up with the out doors chores ill do some more testing.

9 years ago
to bring it down to simple thoughts.
it is a personal choice,do you want to stay on the tread mill for some one else or do your own thing.
the choice is yours.
NO but,but,but its a simple choice.
people will thing your nuts but that is ok they leave ya alone and look for another ''host'' to sponge off of.


No matter what the subject is,there is always a bit of valuable information to glean from.
Thank you to Paul and Steve Harris for putting together the pod casts on different subjects
like Jack and Steve sez. ''2 is 1,1 is none,and 3 is for me'' [or some thing like that]
They encouraged me to move the alternative power source up the list for heat in the house
I need 600 watts to run the heating system in the house [pellet boiler]
So between the 4 golf cart battery's in the camper and the dual set in the ''bush truck'' we are set for storage and re charging

I just got to get a newer inverter yet


also welcome Walt to permies
9 years ago
we have ours on top of mine rock [bed rock] and their doing fine
hugel beds saved the day for growing crops up here in the Keweenaw

9 years ago

Michael Newby wrote:If the holes are all evenly spaced and in horizontal lines like you mentioned you've just described classic sap-sucker type bird damage - the birds peck a little hole into the bark in order to "tap" the tree and get at that delicious sap. Once the tree reacts and stops the wound from weeping the bird moves over a step and starts another hole. If there's enough of the holes an entire patch of bark will die, or even worse, if they ring the tree usually everything above the ring is a goner.

you are spot on with this answer
my wife found this on line tonight

this is exactly what is doing this
the damage is bad so the one tree will go into the hugle bed

thank you for the response

9 years ago