Hi Phillip,
Congratulations on deciding on post and beam straw bale construction. I have been in my bale for about a year and a half now and it is truly a wonderful experience being in a natural home that is so well insulated and comfortable. I built my home myself, but I had my it professionally designed and then certified by a third party structural engineer before going to my local planning office. This service cost me about $2K US, but I found the piece of mind as well as ease of permitting well worth the money. I do not have any experience with tires as a foundation, I opted for a basement on my home, but I would proceed somewhat cautiously. For one, straw bale homes are very heavy - much heavier than a conventional home and if you are going the timber frame route, you will be astonished by the amount of lumber needed to handle the loads and prevent racking due to wind. My concern would be the tires shifting under the weight of the home or the sheer of the wind. I cannot imagine anything worse than a moving foundation - this could jeopardize the entire home. Moisture and integrity of the tire walls themselves would also be concerns for me. Most used tires are past there prime and one cannot be certain how old they are or how they have been stored. Too much degradation and extreme weight could be a recipe for disaster. If I had not opted for a basement. a rubble trench foundation would have been my foundation choice. Good luck.