Laura Emil

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since Jun 04, 2014
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(2022) BIG happenings here!  The land is no longer "mine" - the lawyer is prepping the transfer deed now, I'm now paying RENT to live in the house I paid for LOL !!! (I really do NOT believe in land "ownership"...  I OWE the land...)
A pond is contracted, going in this summer (the priority suggested by a visiting 'potential' farmer), and the community barn repairs are underway. Maybe we need a 'tiny house' competition, to create some living quarters?  Come visit!!!
(2019) the long dreamed of "community place" is moving beyond a "dream" - still need to work on legalities to move the land out of my name TO the organization, but it IS now a real organization, complete with 501c3 status!
(2017) no spare bedroom as noted in old greenhorns blog - but a full camper is now onsite (not connected yet - so first one here to do that gets annual vacation privileges...)
in spite of a dismal experience with an irresponsible dweller in 2014, hope springs eternal, so opportunity is listed on PAFarmLink:
in 2010:
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Recent posts by Laura Emil

JudyJ Johnston wrote:Chew up some plantain leaves and squish them on. Having a jar of plantain salve is handy.

Plaintain has always been my 2nd choice; don't know why I'm not seeing anyone else suggest it but my first remedy is to find some mud, or spit onto dry dirt.  It seems to 'draw' as it dries.  That's worked for over half a century for me...
2 years ago

Julie Harris wrote:caution ... against using electric blankets.  

we turn on the blanket an hour or two before retiring for the night; and turn it OFF when we go to bed.  the bed is warm enough to get comfortably off to sleep.  (it almost seems decadent in our 'live simply' and 'buy less' goals, but the blanket was inherited and one VERY cold night we decided to give it a try.  hard to give up 'cozy' now...)
3 years ago

F Agricola wrote:...
1. The soap scraps can be soaked in water with a few spoonfuls of cheap vegetable oil to make 'White Oil' - used in the garden on fruit trees and roses to kill scale bugs, aphids, etc.
2. Place it in an old sock and use it to wash dishes...

So simple and so easy to apply, and why DIDN'T I think of them sooner? THANK YOU for sharing!  I'm in search of an old sock now, to wash the dishes that were left in my sink, lol!
3 years ago

Edward Norton wrote:
1) Don’t buy stuff in the first place

easier said than done, but the best first step! I found the following, clipped/pasted/printed on postcard stock, and keep one in front of my computer screen and one folded around my cash in my wallet, to help me pause before buying.  When that isn't enough, I revisit articles I've saved about what our plastic footprint is doing to the planet, and that lends weight to doing without.  doesn't ALWAYS work, but more often than not.  
3 years ago

Erica Egge wrote:    (in Post 3)  "When I was in town I keep seeing this tree I am not familar with. Anyone know what it is? It looks like a cross between a willow and an Aspen to me."

maybe white birch?  (
3 years ago
QUIT all sugar and yeast, the lyme buggers feed on that.   pay attention to YOUR body and your reactions: knotweed did not agree with my body, but teasel root extract does, and is part of my daily regimen.  best of luck!
4 years ago

Cassie Langstraat wrote:... I just tested all the forms and they are working properly so maybe something was happening at the time that got fixed? Care to try again and let me know if it is still not working?

Hi Cassie, I tried again, same problem.  I use firefox as my browser.  Just to troubleshoot, I tried on microsoft edge, and it worked there.  but for whatever it's worth, I do NOT use and WILL NOT use microsoft when there are other options.  I hate EVERYTHING microsoft - they are privacy invasive and worse.  I used it this time just to troubleshoot, I have some of their tentacles on my computer because I MUST for my J-O-B, but I HATE HATE HATE it.  Hope you can get stuff working on other browsers.  I look forward to seeing the film.  Thanks!
LOOKS powerfully important, i just tried to submit my name/email on the website form (to get details on when/where to watch the film), but "Something went wrong while submitting the form." Don't see a 'contact' option on the website, so thought i'd try to let you know here...
since you asked again, I'll say it again, "don't fix it if it ain't broke!"  like it just the way it is... less IS really more - if it were a long read, i'd have to save it for later, and then most likely NOT get back to it.  As short as it is, I can easily skim, and click on topics of interest right away or MARK the email as important so I DO get back to it later.  AND always, it generates a quick smile.  THANKS.
I all but gave up milk 30 years ago, when I moved away from my 'raw' source.  But just last year, a young man I know took the lead at his parents farm which is just around the bend from me, and he formed a food freedom club.  His invitation included "grant me the simple ability to freely choose the food I eat and the ability to freely choose where it comes from, without government oversight and interference. I don't wish for the USDA to be abolished, I reasonably and politely ask that I, and everyone who wishes to, can opt-out of the USDA's "protection of the public" and exercise what I would confidently call the most basic and uncomplicated human right. Freedom of food choice."  I'm in, and raw milk is back in my diet.  (btw, my young friend just returned from the Rogue conference, VERY energized and excited:  "What John Moody said Saturday is true, 'if there was ever a hill to die on, this is it.'"  It's sad we need to FIGHT for the right to choose what we feed our bodies, but we're fortunate there are those willing to lead the charge.  THANKS!!!)
4 years ago