Living Woods Magazine -- 1st Issue
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Herman Miller

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since Jun 15, 2014
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I wanted to buy an earthship one day and the ex-wife said no lol....
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soon to be ferry county, washington
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Recent posts by Herman Miller

It would be, here in Eastern Washington were out on the fringe of the "rockies". I have found Cascadia tends to run from the coast to the crest of the cascade mountains.
9 years ago
Hi Tom,

Hope you were able to attend ernie and ericas intro to rocket stoves a few days ago (which id have loved to have gone but I work during the weekends) I know I am still active and I live in Ferry County and am becoming more and more permaculture oriented by the day it seems.
9 years ago
I am living near Republic a bit higher in the mountains and have survived the first winter so far I am getting ready to move into a larger home with acreage and luckily I already have a chicken coop in place though a garden will have to be placed though my wife has been reading a lot into "the square foot garden" ideology and is really loving it. I want to dig/sink a greenhouse into the ground a bit and heat it in the late winter via a rocket mass stove. I am hoping my wife (who was an educator previously) whom is a homemaker to take some classes in Tonasket. While the area is to cold for a true cob construction I hope to incorporate the building technique into future projects. Also I am hoping to get her over to take a course on rocket stove construction. Of course all of this would help us connect with other people in the area as we are really marooned not knowing anyone here.
10 years ago
I have finally made it up here and am really enjoying the "hot" weather. Hiking the trails, swimming in the lakes. All is great though with the price of developed property I am afraid I will be purchasing a more "traditional" home then I'd like unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much inbetween the hardcore live in the wild and the refined home that sucks everything from the grid.
10 years ago
Thank you for your informative answer. It helps me modify a rough sketch in my head and I do know straw bale is much easier to get permitted.... and of course cob can always be an additive to the overall structure.
10 years ago
Sorry for revivng an old thread but I am in the process of relocating somewhere between Republic and Danville and would love to meet like minded individuals.
10 years ago
Hello all,

Long time reader first time Well as the topic states I am relocating to the Okanogan Highlands soon, specifically somewhere between Republic and Danville, the specific location is still up in the air. I was hoping that some individuals in the area could tell me whether they feel the winters are to long and hard for cob construction to work, with or without utilizing some straw bale as well. Secondly and I know this could vary by the feet but generally how does the soil lend itself to cob and or general clay manufactured items IE a Rocket Mass Stove. I have seen numerous people here on permies calling this area home and am looking forward to moving up in July. Relocating from the far west Texas desert back to Washington as I grew up there and work presented an opportunity to make it happen.
10 years ago