Devaka Cooray

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since Jun 24, 2014
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Forum Moderator
Devaka Cooray currently moderates these forums:

Devaka started programming with Pascal and BASIC languages when he was 13, and he has been coding with Java since 2003. Devaka got his bachelor's in computer science from the University of Moratuwa, and currently holds SCJP, SCWCD, and SCBCD certifications. He is mostly known as the author of ExamLab , which is a popular exam simulator for SCJP certification.
When he is not wrangling with his JavaEE and enterprise projects, he likes to play with sneaky web application security stuff.
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Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (zone 12)
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Recent posts by Devaka Cooray

We are still trying to finalize some last bits and bobs related to the server migration.

Let's say most probably in this week.
Can I get a link to a forum where this is happening?
W000t!  We are on a shiny new server!

Please report if you notice anything odd or broken
We're on the move! Catch you all on the shiny new server.
We finally managed to fix one 'small' issue with our email servers that haunted us for the past few days... and nights!

I'm gonna call it 99% done.

It's just a matter of a final round of testing and then we will arrange a window of time for server migration.
And a big update!

We have finally managed to get an upgraded version of the forum software to run on the new server. We still have a few issues to figure out. But they seem to be minor. 95% of the work is done!

Pretty soon we will arrange a window of time to migrate permies to the new server.
Update: We have finalized on lot of things on the new server. We have installed upgraded versions of our database, server software, and a bunch of related stuff. We are just waiting on getting our forum software updated to support the latest java version. I hope we will be able to complete our migration within the next couple of weeks.
I can see the same issue.  This is a good finding, George. Have some apples.

We'll get this fixed real soon.

which browser were you using?