I have one more question before I start putting the whole thing together.
I was under the strong impression that if I were to use a 55-gallon drum, I needed to make this an 8" system. Is this correct? I ask this, because I have on hand some 6" stove pipe and components, and for some reason, in my location, 8" parts have been somewhat iffy to find. I would really like to use 6" for this reason.
We live in an earth ship of about 1000 sq. ft. in Montana at an altitude of about 5500', in the mountains. While outside temps regularly drop to -30F or lower, our indoor temps usually range from 50-60F with no supplemental heating, unless there is absolutely no sun for several days, which is seldom the case. So, my heating load is not terribly great, but, 50F is a little chilly for me. In this case, does it seem that a 6" heater would suffice?
Thanks again.