Ok, So I have only posted here maybe once before but I have been gleening info from these forums for months. Also I have the DVD set that really helped in my research.
I have a 6" system and we fired it up last week for the first time in the greenhouse. It's been really cold here the last week with temps in the low teens and tonight maybe into the single digits. The greenhouse houses an aquaponics system and so far none of my pipes that carry water for the system have burst which I attribute to the RMH. I fire it up every night and feed it for an hour. Within a minute the barrel is too hot to touch on top. I have good draw up the feed tube so all seems to be working.
MY QUESTION: The exhaust pipe is about 10 feet long and then it runs up and out of the greenhouse. Mostly its steam. The pipe never gets really hot...only warm. I have the pipe surrounded by larger rocks and towards the barrel its also covered right now with some clay dirt as well. I have some sand underneath the exhaust pipe to insulate it from the ground as I read on this forum a while back that this will help prevent losing heat into the ground.
Could something be wrong if my barrel is really hot but my exhaust pipe only gets warm. I was hoping that the exhaust pipe would get hotter than it does to help heat the greenhouse. I mean, how is it supposed to heat a bunch of cob/mass that gives off heat for 24 hours if its only getting warm? The steam coming out of the end of the exhaust pipe is slightly warm.
I also realize that the greenhouse is not insulated like a house with a RMH so the heat generated will dissipate faster. I'm open to ideas. I just want to get the most heat that I can this winter.
System Stats:
6" throughout.
55 Gallon Drum
1.5 inch clearance from riser to drum top
Using sand and perilite for insulation between riser and outside of burn chamber.
Many thanks to everyone who put this forum together! It's really helped in this project.