Hello All!
I've been lurking this forum for about the past three years. Mr. Wheatons youtube exposed me to things I never would have thought existed, and I am grateful! A true inspiration.
I've immersed myself in permaculture-type principles for the last few years, and have been gardening for about 6 years. I'm an early 30's single male with no pets with an insatiable drive to leave the word in a better place than before I arrived. I'm also a bit of a doomsday prepper, environmentalist, survivalist, etc. I have a formal education in business economics. Currently, I rent out a house I own in suburbia for a modest income. I play guitar and am technical minded.
I've been living off-grid in my own trailer on the back 40 acres of a ranch for 6 months. I pay rent and use solar panels for power. In addition to learning about how to live off-grid, I've learned a bit about farm fencing, sheeps, goats, chickens, peacocks, fowl, some native flora species identification etc. I've believe I've learned all I can here, and due to where I am not being a community, I've done all I can do to improve this land myself by starting a large garden and some renovation of the existing structures. Its time to move on, which leads me to making this post.
I am looking for a community in Northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, or Montana to join for a period of 6 months to a year. In all likelihood I'll be buying a ranch of my own in 1-2 years, but I am still wanting to be mobile at this point, and especially meet people and explore parts of this wonderful continent outside of California. I can pay rent for the land upon which I live, and I will only need fresh water provided.
Here is a bio I wrote about myself so you can understand where I am in my journey. I wrote it a few years ago, but it is still very accurate:
"I'm somewhat of an environmentalist, doomsday prepper, and aspiring organic farmer. Educated in computer science, business economics, accounting. I worked in finance for a leading bank and became disappointed in the ethics of the industry of which I will never return. I was a lost soul but now I'm found. Globalist corporations, international trade (NAFTA etc), corrupt politicians and citizens...all tainted by greed... have destroyed any remaining decent fabric of our culture. Sociopaths have infected our society in positions of authority and power with reckless abandon. I miss a world without salespeople ( politicians, presidents, fellow citizens) exploiting their peers and other earthlings. War is modern day human sacrifice. I believe in local living, reversing sprawl, and building knowledge within your communities"
If anybody can recommend someone for me to contact, or if you yourself would enjoy a person like me in your community, please reply or private message. I have bookmarked some websites of communities and I will begin to reach out to them this week, but I am off-grid with no telephone, so its not an easy task to organize things.
Thank you for your help and I wish everyone the best of luck!