Greg Martin

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since Oct 04, 2014
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Biochar maker, forest gardener/edible landscapist, plant breeding dabbler, forager.
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Maine, zone 5
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Recent posts by Greg Martin

James Nederveld wrote:Has anyone grafted onto these?

I have no experience with this, but according to PFAF "Used as a frost-resistant rootstock for P. dulcis", which is interesting as I would have thought the purpose for it as a rootstock would be for dwarfing the almond.  If it works for almond, it seems like there's a chance it would work for peach too.
3 days ago
Hi Ellendra, are you by any chance still offering these?  Seems like a very difficult variety to find!
1 week ago
Couple more that I'm hoping to try this year.

Hulless seeds are a maternal and recessive trait, in case anyone wants to play with that trait.  Would love to see this in delicatas and long pie pumpkins!  I haven't run across those with hulless seeds yet, but did find a few acorn types.

Baker Creek is carrying a variety named Sweetnut which is available so I got some.

Fruition has a variety named Intersectionality that is a lovely golden acorn.  

Oh, I would really love to grow that one and experience its loveliness.  Maybe it's a good one for me to start with in making long pie pumpkin crosses?
Anyone close enough to them to easily source some?  Let's make a deal!
2 weeks ago
Just a quick update, I ran across a comment from a gardener who has been saving and replanting seeds from his 'Naked Bear' F1 plants.  He says he hasn't noticed any difference after 4 years of saving and regrowing them.
2 weeks ago
Your tree looks lovely!  My guess is that you have a date plum, i.e. Diospyros lotus.  I found this youtube video where they mention that lotus persimmons are used as rootstocks.  He lost the graft and ended up with the rootstock growing into a lovely plant.  Maybe you got yours the same way?  
4 weeks ago

Madeleine Innocent wrote:Can you grow citrus from seed successfully?

One interesting thing about citrus is that it is relatively common for seedlings to be clones of the parent.  I'd highly encourage growing citrus from seeds!
Here's an article from ECHO that lists citrus that grow true from seed and some that do not, plus the advantages of growing citrus from seeds.
1 month ago
What vegetable is cool, but not that cool?
1 month ago
Good discussion!  Just wanted to plug using leaves instead of cardboard.  Right now I have all I can use and my transfer station has a mountain of them.  
1 month ago