Maranke Spoor

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since Oct 17, 2014
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Recent posts by Maranke Spoor

"If something smells bad you just put sawdust on it..." Bill Mollison you know restore C/N ratio of your compost.

But interessting idea that designing a permiesystem that would work for Jerry, and because of that for everybody!

I thought about it for quite a bit of time and thought it wasn't possible until I came up with something simple.....

Well what about a short, like 25 hour? workweek?!

That might turn the problem into the solution like you wrote in the dailyish email.

8 years ago
Every once in a while this forum reminds me that permaculture doesn't dominate the world yet, and that that is a great challenge to try to contribute to ; )

While observing a lot of different "nature reserves" to work on my landscape reading skills, writing in this tread and many more things....

the thought occurred to me that a "culture" of egalitarianism when stretched too far, can hinder things like celebrating diversity... there appears to be a tension between egalitarian thoughts and opportunities to see and value diversity amongst people... and there appears to be something very human about judging people being or not being good at something, depending on the dominant culture.

I think finding out what a cultures taboos are is a great source of information and an opportunity for more respect for diverstity,
Within permaculture circles I meet a lot of "Intellectual skills, are not very usefull!" And this is just te biggest taboo I can think of right now, but there are probably (many) other too, as were all humans....

Anybody got any thought on this? What can be done to create more balance?

What is your taboo? And what kind of taboos do you run into most in the (sub)cultures you are a part of?

As an ex-vegetarian, my biggest taboo at the moment is vegetarianism...

10 years ago
The more I focus on this subject, read your interesting replies and things like that... I start thinking that "neurodiversity" needs more attention. Yes also within permaculture circles! Of course a great thing about permaculture is that it has a love of diversity as its core... but still we are only human. Within myself I recognized that I started disliking my intellectual side, and value practical things like planting trees a lot more... and of course that kinds of things are very important, maybe even more then ever... but how should that be a reason for a lack of respect of neurodiversity. Sometimes I even think that lack of respect for diversity is the root of all evil...

And lets face it, learning about permaculture/ecology... is a bit more challenging and or different than learning how to grow corn on a large scale, and its totally different things you learn to...

Last year my colleague and I spent the better part of 9 months to translate Mark Shepards Restoration Agriculture into Dutch... and we got a whole lot of very positive comments to that...And it is a great book isn't it?

But the comment that we learned from most was a comment from a farmer we know a bit better because she is a former student of mine. She has a 50 hectare veg growing business and had been a boardmenber of a farmers union. She said "I love this book, I already tried to read the english version, but now I've got a well translated Dutch version I read all of it. It's great it gives me confidence that I can apply permie stuff on our big farm. And then she said but I doubt that all my colleagues can read this, even if it is in Dutch... you nearly need a higher education degree to be able to understand it! And lets face Mark Shepard is a intellectual turned farmer.... didn't he use to teach ecology before he started new forest farm?

What can we learn from this? Stop saying that permaculture is not for cookiecutters, something a heard quite often, also from my own mouth... but start embracing that there are more differences between people than we usually want to admit... stop saying that everybody can learn everything? And instead that ever person has a different (not good or bad but a different) set of thing that (s)he is good at, and that that is absolutely fine and we should adjust to that?

I also agree with @PaulWheaton that clear communication is extremely important!

In a training for permaculture teachers, Andy Goldring thaught us: "When you think your clear, try beeing clearer!

So I will try beeing clearer now. When I think of Pattern recognition skills I per example think of things like reading the landscape, recognizing patterns in the chaos that is the landscape... that's where I saw a link with permaculture.

I didn't think of a series of recipes that connected together are also called patterns... I just didn't think of that.

Unfortunatly the mensa test I've seen did not test any communication skills, hardly any words, 99% drawings of pattern recognition puzzels, that can according to the scientific near consensus not be gamed for more than 10%, not even after years of practice.
Thank you all for your interesting replies!

I agree that pattern recognition is incredibly hard to teach, thats also my experience, maybe thats why I got intrigued by it while I couldn't care less about brain processor speed or the amount of data that can be put in a head...

===Why teaching pattern recognition skills might be (nearly?) impossible===

Pattern recognition intelligence score

Out of all mental abilities this type of intelligence is said to have the highest correlation with the general intelligence factor, g. This is primarily because pattern recognition is the ability to see order in a chaotic environment; the primary condition for life. Patterns can be found in ideas, words, symbols and images and pattern recognition is unlearned and untrainable. Pattern recognition is a key determinant of your potential in logical, verbal, numerical and spatial abilities. It is essential for reasoning because your capacity to think logically is based on your perception of the logic around you.
More seriously I'm trying to find out if and how "neurodiversity" needs more attention.

I have questions like: Can celebrating neurodiversity help with Pauls plan for permaculture and world domination?
@Burra Maluca, I know Joel has a very special bread of rabits his son raised them over many generations adjusted to his systems. I do not know exactly what hes done to his chickens though.... I'll have a look at my notes later and if I find something I'll let you know here.