Tom OHern wrote:Hi Jared,
I love the enthusiasm! A word of caution though. Many people set out with grand ideas of improving the rocket mass heater concept by adding in all sorts of functionality, or making it work in a situation where it never has been done before. Now, I am not saying that this is impossible, but if you've never built a RMH before, there is a steep learning curve to be had. The general advice is to build at least one standards RMH before you start out on trying to improve the design. There are a whole lot of very experienced people who are trying to do the same things you are thinking about, but they al started with the standard design first so that they could get a grasp on the subtleties of the system.
In fact, based on the description of your space, it sounds like a standard RMH would do great. No modifications needed! Is there a particular thing that you think is missing from the system that you need or something that you don't think a standard RMH will do for you?