Joshua Babbish

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since Nov 20, 2014
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It's definitely the combo and concentration. I can't give the specific science, but I there are nutrient inhibitors in many greens. Too, it could be due to a very high concentration of minerals. Many greens are high in Iron, which we don't need too much and is easy to over do for a organic veggie lover in america. So on its own, taking in 450% of your daily requirement of Iron through juice may be ok- because that is all the digestive system is putting energy towards, but when you have a variety of others things in there the digestive system is producing enzymes and other stuff for the proteins, fats, carbohydrates. I do remember reading something about fermentation in the gut when combining juice with solids. They say the same thing about mixing fruit with regular meals.
Even though some people may be totally cool with downing a potent juice with a meal, it seems at this point in your life it's not wise.
We all function somewhat differently.
Dr. Mercola has a intro to juicing on his website which is pretty informative.
Some people will mix fats like coconut, flax, hemp, or coconut milk with their juices.
When we mix fat with things the nutrients become more bio-available.
Also, I'm no juicing expert. Though, wheat grass juice is incredible for me.
I use it almost daily as a part of balancing blood sugar issues. - and it has many other incredible benefits.
Any other questions I may help you with? Did I address your questions well?
Don't be afraid to admit you want greens.
Imagine how your creator would react if you yelled, "lord I do not want your greens. They're just kind of here."
Also, it seems large quantities of probiotics for a few months may serve you well. I recommend "Primal defense ultra." above all other probiotics.
That may actually address the issue. Last year I could see myself with the same issue you are experiencing, but now I can mix juices with other stuff with no problem. I also had an intollerance to gluten among many things, and now I have no digestive issues (besides blood sugar) due to that particular probiotic. No other brand was effective- when I started with that things changed dramatically.
10 years ago
One forgotten common green was sheep sorrel. That stuff is delicious!
Can you list some greens that would do well overwintering in zone 6-7 in a cold frame or mini greenhouse?
I swear I posted this somewhere, but cannot seem to find it.
Many thanks
10 years ago
Hey Xisca,
Health practitioners generally advice using juices from the weaker greens to start. Celery, romaine, anything really watery. Stuff like Kale can even turn a frequent juicers stomach sour. Also. you mention much about combinations. Take juices on their own. What I often do is have some wheatgrass juice after some water in the mornings. Then I'll do some intense exercise and have a breakfast. Wheatgrass/barely grass are the best things to juice for numerous reasons. If you want more green stuff add spirulina by nutrex to your diet- you will be amazed. I usually use between 1/2 tbsp-3tbsp in a protein shake.
It is hard to over do it with greens. You are over doing it when things don't taste amazing anymore. We must remember the most common flavor in nature is bitter. Do you think the native were hopped up on sandwiches while tending to there land?
Let me know if you would like further advice.
10 years ago
These comments have been rather helpful for my own operation. Drying is definitely my go to method for several outlets, now greens too!
My question is about what would be best for cold crop operation. Of course the obvious Kale and collards, I've done a little research and have seen chickweed to be very hardy. As one who has already done the research for the world, what crops, unique or standard, do you recommend for a cold frame or a greenhouse in the winter?
10 years ago