ALEXANDRA MALEKI QUOTE "The majority of people who know what a rocket mass is, want one, but they are unlikely to DIY one and haven’t heard enough compelling information about the limited COTS products available to switch".
I tend to agree w/ the folks who feel a name change won't change much. RMH is already an icon word that has been out there for years. Maybe we should stick with RMH for now, but use a hyphen to create categories for all the ingenious ways people build these things. This gives perspective, all in one place, like a Feature Article that stays on top of all things RMH and updates as needed.
RMH-Basic-Experimental (firebrick, barrel, manifold, cobb)
RMH-Basic-Full Plans (firebrick, cobb, barrel) plans could include Building Code accepted)
RMH-Portable-Medium Efficiency (Ceramic Fiber, Pebble "Style)
RMH-Stratification Style (Dragon, Matt Walker, etc.) I've got one in my head that's more like a ceramic KashelOfen
RMH-High Efficiency (latest in double/triple burn, air venting, cold air tubes, vortex, etc, but tried and true over time)
RMH-Custom (Batch, Oven, Cooktop, Greenhouse, sauna, hot water, pizza, stove-top, etc)
RMH-Exotic (materials, looks, ambiance)
RMH-Experimentors Corner
RMH-Building Code Approved (Updates)
...find a place for that which has been proven to work repeatedly, long-term
I'm from the camp "I love it", "I'd like to build one someday", and don't really think I should because the build is so liquid, messy, time consuming, and experimental at this point. I'd like to see us get to the point of having various items we can purchase and build our own RMH with tried and true methods and materials... like have pieces, Legos if you will.
Them's My 2 Cents