Steve Picker

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since Jan 14, 2015
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Recent posts by Steve Picker

Weld a plate on back and you have door handles
4 months ago
Nitrogen- phosphorus-potash BPK when you’re talking fertilizer analysis
1 year ago
For those of you using wool as a mulch it has a great fertilizer analysis, 9-0-2.
1 year ago
When we get our sheep shorn we have to find a use for it on the farm as it really has little value. We started using it for insulation in the back wall of our greenhouse, wall is 18 inch cavity so it takes a lot to fill. So far I would say it’s working, no wet sheep smell even in that high humidity environment. It is oily and heavy so I used plywood sheeting. Hope this helps some

1 year ago
I have been planting large trees in my pasture. I would like to plant a mixed understory gor my goats to browse, for small stakes and poles. What plants would be best? I was leaning towards locust since I have a tree that sends off a lot of suckers.
1 year ago
I get mine from a nursery that grows them in a tall liner. I tried to keep one in a pot for a couple years and it didn’t go well. Now I get them and plant them right away in with some tall annuals to provide some shade and protection, Chile pepper plants worked great the first year. I have 2 planted at an edge under a big tree, they have not grown well. Then I have 6 that I planted with annuals for shade and they grew a couple feet the first year. Hope this helps
2 years ago
I can a lot of beans every year. What can I use them for besides just chili or baked beans? Are they ok to make miso or tempeh?
2 years ago
Thank you. i was going to make bread but maybe tortillas is a better idea.
3 years ago
What can I use this for. Is it good for bread or pasta?
3 years ago
Crystal I’m having trouble when I integrate herbs into my flower beds they start to take over. Is there a way to stop that?