Jonnie Pahl-clan

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since Feb 01, 2015
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Recent posts by Jonnie Pahl-clan

I looked at our local library online and could not find it. Are you selling this book privately?
10 years ago
This cuts the bone from the marrow. What has happened to you is GOOD for you! This experience will give you greater over(under)standing by leading by example and having to face the rejection that your family has thrown at you. Know that you are not alone, know that what you are doing is GOOD, and know that you are loved and supported by others in this life that believe in swimming upstream instead of floating down stream as a dead fish. Life is meant to be a struggle-effort-inertia against the rest, it started in the beginning when 10 Billion Sperm attempted to start life, but yours was the winner-champion-completion!

Begin with forgiving each offence-offender and walking tall, knowing that you are blessed to have a partner-(husband-lover)-parents-kids that love, respect, believe and support you. May this note find you encouraged today hoping for a wonderful sowing spring, gracious growing summer and contented harvesting fall.

Your newbie Permie-friend-fellow-soul, Red-Neck-Farmer-Author-Fatherof8-....
10 years ago
After reading this thread I am wondering if there are any Permies in the Edmonton Alberta area. This type of community is exactly what I am desiring for our clan's-farm-ranch-homestead. We are a family farm with the need for fellow-labourers-doers-finishers to build the infrastructure for this coming years crops, chickens, swine-cattle-sheep. Hoping-praying for new drivers to make 2015 a year to thrive!
10 years ago