Beth Daughtry

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since Feb 22, 2015
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Recent posts by Beth Daughtry

Hey y'all. New to farming. Will be getting day-old chicks in a couple of weeks. Concerned about the structure of our mobile coop's stability. Feeling pretty comfortable about our design's stability when it comes to moving it, but wondering...

does anyone know a design that makes use of a nipple/bucket waterer that does not hang?

We are low on cash for building materials, so we're trying to make something light & cheap & sturdy. We will have to do something stronger than planned with the top of the coop if, indeed, we need to hang the waterer.

9 years ago
My fiancé and I are first-timers, starting a farm in Central Florida in June. We have a very limited amount of time to read up and prepare. We've read Teaming with Microbes; Salatin's Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal, and (halfway through) You Can Farm. We spent $90 (we didn't have) on Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, only to find that there were 2 books that were supposed to come first. The designer's manual is pretty overwhelming. I'm most concerned about learning to garden and how to set up a basic permie design on our land. I'm looking for suggestions about what to read (considering limited time and money), and any other suggestion about preparation!

Especially, how useful/necessary are Mollison's Permaculture 1 & 2? Could I stand to wait on them, considering time/money constraints?

Thank you!