Kelly Mitchell

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since Mar 09, 2015
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Recent posts by Kelly Mitchell

I am looking for actual experience with walipini or underground greenhouse.
What worked? What didn't?
Failure or success in general?
Tips / tricks. Really want to do this, but only if it makes sense.

Jenny Wright wrote:Where are you?  I've gardened in the PNW and in North Carolina and they were both zone 8 but required very different gardening techniques and I had quite a bit of failure while learning to grow in each place.  If you give you approximate location, you can get some more specific advice.

Yeah, sorry, should have said location. Relatively hard place - Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Zone 5b.
Quite short growing season, near the ocean, acidic soils, late freezes (mid-June all danger passed), but plants grow very rapidly. fairly long autumn for the zone.
very wet spring, and cool summers.

imo, getting soil warm quickly is a major difference because of the short growing season. It also mistakes fatal for the season - there's rarely enough time for a second planting of anything besides greens.
Also - constant winds and extremely high winds - like nothing you've ever seen.

thank you for all the answers to everyone!

I'm reviving a garden we let go the last 2 years. We were never super successful with it: meaning we got very little food and lot of plant failures.

I want to ask a question for anyone who considers themselves a gardening expert:

What is the critical path for gardening?

This would mean
1) What is essential to succeed at a basic level? (and no more - the idea is to avoid overwhelm)
2) What is the order / timing of activities?

I'm looking for a pre-made stove to begin my RMH build. I'll add the mass in myself, of course.
I've seen them before, but I can't find any now. Can anyone help me out? Even google is not helpful.
5 years ago
I have a monster patch of chanterelles. On a good year, I can harvest up to 100 lbs per week. I'm looking for ideas on how to monetize them with a greater margin return than just dehydrating or selling locally.
Preserved in oil?
chanterelle crackers, etc.
any ideas are appreciated.
5 years ago
Looking for a PAHS builder with at least one install for a project / consult.
Could pay well, if...
PM me.
6 years ago
(Is there a better forum to post this in?)

Open invitation. We are working on a blockchain backed permaculture business centered around the PAHS concept. WarmLife is the company name. Free Heat For Life is the tagline - and we believe it can be done. We want to do residential retrofits - the market is far larger than new construction.
Our invitation to this community:

  • Founding partners - this is still in concept stage and we need founding members (strong commitment required, but could be very well rewarded).

  • Read, edit, comment on our white paper.

  • Work for us - we need a variety of skillsets, especially social media and PAHS expertise. Any other skillsets will be considered - pitch an idea and join the team. We need to build out the team. Have you done a PAHS install? Are you a permaculture pro?Accountant? programmer? Lawyer? Graphic designer? Materials engineer? Online marketing professional? Social media ninja? Mold prevention expert? Franchising expert? Angel investing expert? Administrative savant? We need all this and more.

  • Even if you’re just interested in seeing this as a business, contact us and let us know.

  • Be an advisor - senior entrepreneurs, permie experts, lawyers and more are welcome. Even bankers!

  • Provide Proof of Concept. We are looking for any and all working installs - professional, homeowner, greenhouse - anything we can get - photos, videos, technical explanations, conceptual upgrade ideas, etc.

  • And, of course, we’re looking for seed investors.

  • If you want to follow-up (link to whitepaper / send your proposal, idea, etc.), then email - mailto: with Permies WarmLife in the subject line.
    6 years ago