BeeDee marshall

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since Mar 31, 2015
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I have been preserving eggs this way for several years now.  Only had three bad eggs in that time.  I only preserve 90 eggs a year and that gets us through october-december when the girls aren't laying.  However, I use quart jars and put 6 eggs per jar, then put 5 jars in a case and have 3 cases, which go down in our root cellar  That may be too fussy for most, but I like knowing which are the oldest to freshest-so to speak-and it saves having to dig through a mound of eggs.  I have made mayo out of the preserved eggs, using just the yolk.  They scramble well and work fine as an ingredient in recipes.

I love not having to go to the store to get eggs, especially now!😉

PS  here's a similar thread
2 years ago
Here's an excellent video about building a dugout canoe.  From the Northmen Guild Their other videos are worth watching as well!
3 years ago
We have been using tattler lids for 12 years now and use them for water bath and pressure canning 1/2 pint to quart jars. We have very few bad seals and have lost more to jars breaking then lids failing.    My husband suggests tightening the tattlers down and then loosen about a quarter of a turn before processing.  We pressure can rabbit and chicken and have had no problems with bad seals.

Two years ago I bought stainless steel rings, both regular and wide mouthed, on ebay to solve our rusted rings problem. Since we remove the rings before storing the canned goods, we can reuse them so we don't need the same amount as lids.

We have used our old metal lids as washers to hold down tarps, etc  when we screw them down.

The Harvest Guard lids look good too.  Haven't tried them and noticed they are backlogged 3 to 4 weeks.
3 years ago

Heather Sharpe wrote:You might wish to consider Solomon's Seal root as a part of your protocol. It sounds like you have lots of good ideas for anti-inflammatory herbs, which is definitely important. Solomon's Seal is more for bringing moisture back to the joint and surrounding connective tissues, making movement much easier, less painful and reducing inflammation in the process, since it reduces friction. I've found it to be a huge help for my own joint pain and connective tissue issues. Another neat thing about it is that it can restore the proper tension to ligaments, whether they are too tight or too loose. I usually use the tincture. It doesn't take much to make a notable difference, usually.
You can read more about it here.

I agree with Heather that Solomon's seal is a good root to have in your medicine cabinet.  The article she points to is the one that taught me to harvest the root responsibly and sustainably.  It replaced the glucosamine my husband and I were taking and has done wonders for my knees and my husband's hip as well as one neighbor's shoulder and another's hip.  My favorite story about Solomon's Seal is concerning our dog, a Staffordshire bull terrier who went down in her back legs when she was 10 years old (she's 14 now) and could no longer get up on the couch.  I gave her a few drops of the tincture once a day in her food and within a week she was up and bouncing around again.   I give her some every day in her food and she still gets around remarkably for a dog her age and size.  

I'd say 'try'll like it'.
3 years ago
I haven't seen a recipe for rhubarb juice so here we go.

Recipe from Keeping the Harvest (1976) Great older book.

1 quart water to 4 quarts rhubarb.
Bring to a boil.
When rhubarb is soft reduce heat..Mash the pulp.
Strain out juice through fine sieve or cheesecloth sweeten juice to taste.
Pour hot juice into hot sterilized jars and process in boiling water bath for 5 minutes.  

My husband altered the recipe to our tastes.
2 quarts water to 4 quarts rhubarb
final amount a little more than 3/4 gal of juice

We also save the pulp (he calls it monkey poop for reasons unknown) and sweeten to taste, put in hot sterilized jars and process in boiling water bath for 10 to 15 minutes. Makes a good spread for pancakes, etc. 3 1/2 pints monkey poop.

This is very refreshing in the winter and is the first juice for us in the spring.
3 years ago
hollandaise sauce is always nice on greens (fiddleheads, ramps,etc) I found this recipe that is easy and quick.
3egg yolks
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 lb butter(oil might work but won't be as rich)
1Tbs lemon juice or vinegar
Beat the yolks til creamy adding salt
Melt the butter in a little saucepan with pouring lip
Drop by drop add half the butter while beating all the while
Then alternate between butter and lemon juice or vinegar until all used up.
Can be served warm or cold. If cold stir slightly after chilling.
Makes about 3/4 cup

I also store extra eggs in the shell in quart jars with pickling lime and water and pickle eggs as well.  They both store well and give us eggs all winter.
3 years ago
hi Kate,
Thanks for all your help with the forest school fund raiser. Looking forward to tips and tricks since we live off grid too!
3 years ago
Here's another chickpea tofu recipe.  I just might try this.  I used to make tofu from scratch 20 years ago and loved it, but it got tiresome and buying good soybeans was a hassle and expensive so I stopped.  This might be a good alternative.  
3 years ago
Hi Linda,

I have a james washer that I don't use for clothes anymore..I use it to hold water for the garden.  I don't have a problem sending you some of the smaller parts, but I would highly recommend you look into mobilewasher to wash your clothes.  You could even use it with the body of the james if you need to.  I have used both and at 73 years of age the mobile washer is much easier and gets clothes much cleaner.   Just a thought.   The mobile washer is available on ebay as well. PM me if you want to see about the parts instead.
3 years ago
Tonight is the end of the crowdfunding campaign and we made it to our goal plus an extra $479!  We are very happy and thankful for the generosity of our donors.  I was able to discern two possible donors from permies although no one mentioned in their donation comments.  The blogger (John Michael Greer) bumped us again on his blog and his readers put us over our goal.  It's been fun and I appreciate the help of Kate Downham and the shoutout in the dailyish email.  I am not aware of any donation that came from the email, but it was very kind to do it.

Hope anyone who tries this type of crowdfunding has as much success as we did.

Thanks for the space to post this!
3 years ago