Jason Coward

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since Mar 31, 2015
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Recent posts by Jason Coward

I would love to be able to take advantage of this incredible deal. Will there be a way for Canadians to partake at some point? Maybe you could have a Canadian sale period where you add the cost of the GST to the price so that you're not out and those of us who've supported in the past can benefit the same way your other supporters have.
8 months ago
Sure, you could do that, but couldn't Permies be on the hook for the GST should anyone go looking deeper into the transactions?
I, for one, would hate to put anyone in an ethically dubious situation

Derek Thille wrote:

Wendy Webb wrote:I'm so sad ... once again,  I can't buy 'cos I live in Canada. All you lucky people in the USA, I'm jealous,  but happy reading just the same 😀

It worked for me.  After selecting purchase, answer no to the VAT question and then one is able to proceed.

I already had access to some of this material, but there was enough additional stuff to make it worthwhile.

8 months ago