Hi Peter
Well, hmmm, hmmmm......
The first thought after seeing the site up and running was to write to you and offer to translate it into Albanian. I dropped the idea thinking, what the hell, I might be the only Albanian interested on rocket stoves and I want to translate stuff on that, for whom? There are all those people from other languages who do RMHs and batch boxes and there is no translation of them (later on I saw the other flags). That being said, you have to know that it's better to search for some Slavic guy if you want to target Balkans, it's Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, who might understand Slavic languages (any). More probabilities to reach people. In other words, if a Serb does it in Serbian, or a Croat in Croatian, all the above-mentioned can at least understand. Not the case with Albanian language. Only Albanians would understand and I don't know anybody who deals with this kind of stove (not that I've searched, though).
However, now that you asked I'm on board and will do it if you like. I like these kind of projects, and I like fire, and I like RMHs and batch boxes. Though, I have some issues.
I have worked in the past as a professional translator but not anymore. With age, comes laziness, and if I have difficulties managing the task I might quit. The text refuses me. That's a problem because I don't quit if I undertake something. The difficulties in question being the English text written by e non-English person. If you remember, I "lamented" about this in one of my posts. However, If you are willing to be forgiving regarding time, to let me do it slowly, I'm OK.
Also there is the level of my professionalism in building in general and the stoves in particular. I like the idea, built two of them and plan to do more, but I have also to earn my living by doing other stuff. This regards terms about building materials and concepts. I'm speaking as a translator. I know English and I can do anything that I understand more or less, but there is a big problem if you want to localize the text for somebody who does not understand English. You don't have to convey just the meaning, but also details so that stuff is perfectly clear to the reader. For example, cob is problematic to translate, perlite and vermiculite are not sold here (i've searched the market both for stoves and gardening). However, that's the reason why I like doing this stuff, because by delving in translation I learn better about the process itself and so on.
To sum it up, I am willing to give it a try. Just let me know.
Best regards