Hello all, We really need some help here! We have just moved into a rural property in Saskatchewan. We're mainly concentrating on the house at the moment, but eventually we are hoping to set up a permaculture garden on the land here. We wanted to plant a shelterbelt this year however, as obviously trees take a long time to grow, so the sooner they're in - the better! Unfortunately, the area where we need to plant the shelterbelt is the old vegetable garden area and the vacated patch (the property has been vacant for about 8 years before we moved in) has been overgrown with Canada Thistle, dandelion, and I presume a whole bunch of other weeds. I have been told that the trees will not be able to compete with the mighty roots of the Canada Thistle, and we have to spray it with roundup!!! Noooooo! This is absolutely the antithesis of what we want to be doing with our land!!! Not only are we advised to spray, but we are also expected to spray multiple times. I have been frantically searching online, but it looks like there is no good solution to Canada Thistle and that it is the lord of the weeds. Can anybody give us any good suggestions of what we could do without the use of evil chemicals?