Paul Fookes

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since Jun 27, 2015
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My wife Fran, and I live in a compressed earth brick house that is completely off the utilities except for NBN wireless internet. We have had solar power since 1986 and a backup wind turbine. In 2020 we upgraded our system to 2 dual axis trackers with 4 Kw power output. As far as possible we try to grow as much as we can and live with a low to neutral carbon foot print. We are in the process of putting in a gground air heat transfer (GAHT) system for cooling our home in summer. My next project is to refurbish the browns gas generator in our car or the out doors kitchen, honey room and larder - which ever I can organise time for.
Any one coming down under to NSW is most welcome. Send an email to hook up
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Gulgong, NSW, Australia (Cold Zone 9B, Hot Zone 6) UTC +10
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Recent posts by Paul Fookes

T Melville wrote:Very limited funds, but I'd get in at the $1 level. (Might kick in a few more bucks if it looks like it would matter.)

If 100 people chip in $, that is $100.  A dollar is a valuable contribution to any kickstarter.  Not everyone is flush with coin.  That is what makes kickstarters great.
1 day ago

paul wheaton wrote:Dirt to Food - $10 and 4 hours can feed you for a month
Maybe the focus should be on the 200 square feet.  Maybe teach people to limit their focus on 200 square feet.  Too often, beginners will attempt bigger gardens and get frustrated.  Maybe if they do well with 200 square feet, they can 200 more square feet the second year.  Or maybe have a primary plot that is 200 square feet that gets your first attention, and a secondary plot that might get spotty attention.  The key is that the focus of the movie is for first time gardeners.

I think this is spot on.  A bed 20 feet by 10 feet is doable for most people and not overwhelming for a novice gardener.  It is a good size to introduce some polyculture.
2 weeks ago
Well done on the slaughter and clean a sheep BB.  Dropping with a shot is instant and does not allow for the adrenaline rush to toughen the meat.
It will be good to hear how it cooks up and tastes.
As a side note, your photo of the pistol shows great handling technique ๐Ÿ‘
3 weeks ago
earth to edibles - a journey to grow (E2E)
3 weeks ago
Hi Shea,
We are living in the middle of NSW and have been doing the low impact activities since 1986.
It is always great to meet up with other Permies folk
3 weeks ago
Rebekak and I had a great mentoring meeting.  She has a plan for completing sand badges which will require the development of new skills and pushing out of her comfort zone.
Worked through some activities such as attaching a thread/ post link.
This completed our agrees 6 sessions.

Plan moving forward is that we will do Q&A here with zoom meetings by exception.
Rebekah will engage with other Permies members to develop new skills.

PEP 2 or bust๐Ÿ˜Š
3 weeks ago

Nancy Reading wrote:

Timothy Norton wrote:Are you planning for the kettle to be solely for humidification or actually a functional kettle for tea?

In my climate there is never a need for added humidity!
Definitely a need for tea though!

Beautiful choice.  Understated elegance.  We are listening to a set of audiobooks and at every opportunity, the kettle is on to make a pot of tea or one has just been made, especially in the kitchens.  Tea bags just do not cut the mustard.
4 weeks ago