Hello Permieverse.
As some of you know, my wife and I started this
The agreement with the landowner did not work out and we are moving ever forward.
Here is where the design comes in. We want to stack functions with our business entities ie Having a nursery that supplies your landscaping business needs & the landscaping providing needs for the nursery.
We are starting a Company (Empire) with various entities that cover the vast disciplines of Permaculture/Sustainable Development.
Permaculture Nursery, Primarily - Edible, Secondary - Food, Fuel, Fiber
Landscape Design - Either small solutions like food forests, veggie terraces, water use etc or full design & implementation
Educational entity - A stall at the farmers market, an hour at the Farmers Union, various talks & workshops across the province.
Social Entity - Implementation of various permaculture techniques for the benefit of our rural community - Foodscapes, RMHs, Grey water solutions etc
Natural Building/Crafts - Workshops & contracts covering earth building, to making your own tools.
Joel Salatin type livestock businesses.
How would you structure such a company with regards to
Priority of implementation,
Infrastructure Sharing
Marketing & Shelf space sharing
Please add to our list of entities & show us how you would go by structuring such an entity.
Warm Temperate
750mm annual average rain
Thank you!