Elieha Steiner

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since Jul 15, 2015
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Recent posts by Elieha Steiner

Are you still looking for a designer? If so, my partner and I would love to help out. We are currently implementing one of our designs in San Diego and wrapping up an internship, both of which should be done by the end of the summer. You can check out our info and contact us through earthrepairalliance.org if you're interested!
9 years ago
I misspelled the link, here it is again
9 years ago
Hi everyone!

I am trying to sell t shirts to support my mobile permaculture schoolhouse( 500 T shirts!) The school house will be built from a shipping shipping container, and will contain a greenhouse, supplies for teaching and implementing, and solar and/or wind power. I want to be able to go from community to community, teaching wherever is needed in the world ( which is everywhere!)

Currently we have been designing and implementing a food forest system for a family in Southern California in exchange for a place to stay. It has been going very well and we are finishing up this weekend with the design, and will continue implementing for another few weeks. You can see more of what we are doing at these links



If you have any questions feel free to message me or leave a comment:)
We would so very much appreciate any support whether it be donations, sharing on social media, or just by telling people you know!!

9 years ago
I was wondering what other people are using for plants in your food forest ( all layers), whether they are native, non-native or from other analog climates? Fruit trees seem pretty easy to pick out, not so much for the other layers:/

The soil I'm working with is super compacted, full of small rocks,and around 10% clay. So I am looking into plants that will help break up the soil.

9 years ago
Has any one tried to grow a Baobab tree? Or does anyone know of guilds/companion plants for this tree? The tree has been established for a couple years now, but it in poor, compacted soil ( growing in San Diego).
9 years ago
Two motivated helpers seeking work in warm climates to escape winter cold. Ideal opportunity would include room/board. Experienced in multiple fields including: sustainable design, agriculture/landscaping, factory/industrial, maritime & more.

We both are very interested (we both have a little bit of design and practice experience) in practicing Permaculture,sustainability, and organic food growing and would like to get some more hands on experience with it. We are also open to other options as well. A place that allows pets would be preferable.

We would be available starting in November, and have no set time period of how long we can stay.
9 years ago
Hi! I and my partner( and possibly my puppy) are looking for a permaculture practicing place to work on in exhange for a place to stay for the winter months( possibly longer if you need it) . I graduated in June with my PDC and would like to continue to practicie/learn sustainability as I would like to one day be able to teach/help others through permaculture. My partner is into permaculture and although he does not have his PDC, he has been studying it for a couple years and knows more than I do.
We are interested in any permaculture project whether it's a community project or one on personal land. We are currently in Indiana so the warmer the state, and the closer to an ocean the better!
If you want to know anymore please message me! I just started a blog and Facebook page for practice and to show others what I am doing, feel free to check them out:)
Facebook: Sustain the Earth Projects


Elieha :)
9 years ago