If you are interested, we decided to go without contracts. So far, so good. We had one person live and work on the property 4 months before deciding his 3-hour commute to school was unsustainable. He left on excellent terms and we paid him cash for his banked labor hours. Then we had a couple that didn't work out because of personality issues. They left without a problem or delay. We've interviewed a number of other folks that didn't seem right for one reason or another. We have 3 people moving onto the farm this month. We vetted them adequately; their character and motives show through if you ask the right questions and correctly read their reactions and responses.
We feel the most important thing is making a personal connection with folks who live here. They become neighbors who are part of our ultra-cool village; and we are selling a concept, not just a temporary situation. We look for people who care about the planet and their home, and also care about community and relationships. We talk about community when we interview them.
We've had responses to our ad saying they were excited about such an opportunity, even if they can't take advantage of it themselves. Many people want to be part of something greater than one person can accomplish alone, and if you can write an ad that conveys that exciting possibility, we believe vetting is enough and contracts are not necessary.