Judy Griepsma

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since Aug 31, 2015
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Permaculture is a new word for me...dirt is not..love it.  Raised bees and chickens...make my own soap..spin...cook..love my garden...just think..there is something else out there...too many people are hungry...malnourished and overweight...why..I think the answer is in the dirt...
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Recent posts by Judy Griepsma

Yahoo..just bought it! Thank you
9 years ago
Welcome Phil...good luck tomorrow and yes please do post how it goes
9 years ago
nice to have pic's to go along with some of those pod casts...good pic's thanks!
9 years ago
Hi Elsa...I just watched a video "Versaland: Pigs on Pasture" Grant Schultz....he makes a statement early on about feeding the pigs..ragweed....know anyone with pigs
9 years ago
This is directed to Grant as of course I'm drooling at the chance to attend the workshop...but really anyone can chime in. Where do I start....I plant...always have from a flower pot to currently a few garden beds and chickens in my backyard. Rent and have a HOA so have to tread lightly. I read..yeah me ...Currently reading a few books by Toby Hemenway..might have an opportunity to hear him speak..is that good?? I don't know. Also Sepp Holzer's Permaculture ..guide and one by Joe Saltin. So, I listen to Paul rant...oh I mean talk lol no...he does rant...on the pod casts and youtube a ton of stuff, read until my eyes cross and then play in the dirt. So again, my very vague question from a totally newbie...greenie..what resources would you recommend...only so many hours in a day...i lost several just reading about the pro's and con's of nitrogen fixing trees. All knowledge is good, I just would like to have a better idea of the basics. I'm planning on taking the next step..so land...design...dang...anyway.. Any advise is appreciated.
9 years ago
Hi Grant (in my head I was saying Hi Dr Grant..due to reading Crichton's Jurassic Park)...anyway..first time I have ever posted but thanks to Cassie's dailyish email's I learned you would be on this site... so welcome and I look forward to reading all the questions and of course answers. thanks for being here
9 years ago