Bill Weible wrote:Hello, I am back with a hopefully simple question...what is the best short blade (10 inches or less) pruning saw? Especially the folding kind. I will be doing a limited amount of pruning. I will have more pruning questions and new pictures before too long. Thanks, Bill
Trace Oswald wrote:
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:With a tree that small, It'd be really easy to start over with something healthier.
This is my thought as well. You could graft it and try all sorts of heroic measures to save it, but it will never be as healthy as a tree that did well on it's own without your help. If it isn't thriving, I would take it out and plant a new tree.
Andrea Locke wrote:I bought some Antonovka seeds for planting as I am intrigued by having read that they are one of the only apples that will come true from seed. I gather that outside the permie community they are primarily used as rootstock in most parts of the world, although there seems to be a whole apple industry based on them in some parts of eastern Europe.
Anyone out there familiar with their eating qualities, not just as rootstock? What did you think of them?