leila hamaya wrote:you might be able to get some manure ? kinda gross if you think about it too much, but its basically just chopped straw, from an herbivore, horse, or cow manure. it would also help with the cracking.
it's not so good to think...even if it cracks i can fill it in with more stuff. theoretically that sounds like it would work, but often if it cracks badly to begin with, the new stuff you put on top will also crack, it will follow the same cracks as the bottom coat. only very tiny cracks can be patched up good.
Troy Rhodes wrote:If the primary goal is to pump water, then turning the kinetic energy of your stream into electricity would not be the -most- efficient way to pump water.
William Bronson wrote: If you have a storage tank above your point of use,the GPM of the pump becomes moot.