nataly marchuk

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since Nov 26, 2015
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Recent posts by nataly marchuk

Hi there!
I know it is all exciting and a bit stressful for you'll, but I want to shed some good news and pose a question:
After receiving the update that I am at $25 level  (I know, I know that was part mistake, but nevertheless) I went to Kickstarter to check and realized that I have two accounts there. I suspected it for some time but never was thorough enough to do something about it. This campaign motivated me to address this issue: I backed at least one (may be more) Paul's project from my gmail account and 4 campaigns from yahoo account. Moreover, I have 2 accounts on permies as well with yahoo one from 2015. So after that email (Fix your pledge!) I was able to figure things out and actually tie my $65 pledge to the Kickstarter yahoo account that supported most of the Paul Wheaton campaigns
My question is even though I know it is my mess, I truly want to visit one of the events at Wheaton Labs and may be considering my two accounts combined I would have a chance?
Thank you so much for doing all amazing things that you do!
Best wishes,
3 years ago
Hello there! I am glad to find like-minded permaculture/homeschooling community!
We are not homeschooling yet, although the plan is to start fall 2021 with 7 and 12 y.o.
Our philosophy closely intertwines with Waldorf school curriculum,  but after being with the school for almost 20 years (our 24 and 22 y. o. went through it and now graduated from colleges) I see some areas that I feel could be well integrated with permaculture approach (although specifically through that school I learned about permaculture almost 10 years ago in my son's high school where they had a study of it and my son brought me a book Permaculture in a Nutshell and said, "Mom, you will like that book!". And I did!
Now, with distance learning (due to Covid), it is like a transition to homeschool which we were planning to make after we finish our tiny house/shed to move onto the land anyway.
My questions are:
1. how to make that connection of any online or book based HS education with Permaculture smoother and
2. how to bring more well rounded approach to the world that is not western-centric but brings knowledge about asian cultures, herbs/plants, philosophy, community, architecture,  etc
I am from Siberia (Novosibirsk) and this part is considered to be "Asian" part of Russia even though our brain was being influenced by Western ideals. Now, I think we need to reevaluate world's wisdoms and bring more caring and sustainable ways to our children.
Thank you and I look forward to conversation!
4 years ago
Dear Community!
I am reaching out!
This is my first Kickstarter campaign and coincidentally it happened during bad timing... Or not?
The original idea was to create a series of Workshops for the whole family with the emphasis on children (and their parents) learning and practicing Compost making, Tree guild planting, Cob structures building, Fermenting, Chicken raising, Tea making etc.
For the folks who live far from Midpines, California I had option to just donate to the tree planting and other supplies. Due to the quarantine I had to change from physically attending the workshop to only virtually supporting, with possibility to visit when the possibility arrives. I still plan to do educational materials about the topics above as well as info about trees and plants I have available for "adoption".
We had good response and some of the long distance folks were happy to "adopt a tree" and be part of the "greening the California Desert" so to say, but now with about 10 hours left to go we still lack some support to be fully successful!!!
If you feel you can stretch a little and extend your helpful hand, we would be truly grateful and over this Spring and Fall plant over 1000 perennial plants (Trees, Soft-fruit, Herbs, Natives, Drought tolerants, and more!)
Please check the project out and even if you can just share it among your friends, that might be helpful!
Thank you so much for considering!
Warmly yours,
4 years ago
this bug is HUGE! does anyone know him/her? I suspect they eat wood
5 years ago
Wow! What a great variety of advices! Thank you guys!

We will try electric trimmer (is it the same as weed wacker?) next time.
The acerage does not suggest using grass hook or lawn scissors, as we need to clear the paths about 1 mile long.

There are rock outcrops here and there, not constant, so I truly appreciate the idea about checking through tall grass with the back side of the scythe stick. We are yet to learn all the proper techniques

Happy summer!

6 years ago
The grasses grew so well, and now, beginning of Summer, started to dry and become VERY prickly.
Too dry for lawn mower (danger of grass fire) and too rocky for scythe.
What do you suggest to at least clear the paths on the large property mostly grassland with some oaks?
I know, first thing that comes to mind - grazing. Not an option yet, we come on the weekends only.
Exploring Reel Mower (push mower) but reviews say it s important to keep the grass short by mowing constantly. It our case grass is to my waist now and dry, some is flattened by winds and wildlife (to a knee level). Or will it work?
There should be some other options?
6 years ago
I just wanted to share my childhood memories about Stinging Nettle.
Fairy Tales were always a delight and source of life skills in my life. One in particular the Six Swans was about the girl making shirts from nettle for her brothers turned into swans. I always thought it was the cruelest of punishments that wicked stepmother administered on poor girl. My friend and I were playing as that little girl and harvested some stinging nettle in the woods nearby. we placed them resting under the tree not quite knowing how to transform these plants into a shirt. After couple (or may be more) of days we checked on them and found out that nettle was covered with ants and you could see separate fibers as if we (or rather ants) did some work with them (retting?). Generally I was avoiding nettle plants and never thought anything good about them.
Recently I learned to accept and even like the nettle in my life. I have small patch (contained so far as I still not able to give it free life) of nettle that I use for Nettle Pesto, adding to Borsch and possibly learn how to make a shirt Finally
Thank you for great inspiration and useful links R.Ranson!
7 years ago