Jimmy Mountaineer wrote:
use fine pine shavings from Tractor Supply as cover material.
There was a period where the exhaust fan wasn't operating (during the experimental engineering phase) and the gnats were a much worse problem than the smell. All in all, we're quite happy with how it's all working out.
Daniel Ray wrote:I don't think the sawdust can be beat by the nature's head. The emptying issue is really just a state of mind issue, how you feel about emptying buckets full of waste.
Mark Mstevens wrote:it's not exactly what you asked, but have you looked at Separett? We were considering natures head and ended up with Separett. it is the most like a "regular" toilet. rather than collecting urine, it has a pipe that goes outside to an evaporation pit (a simple 3x3 hole with rocks sized gravel to medium). paper goes in it, no real issue on what kind or how much. Solar fan eliminates all stink. composting happens inside provided bucket.