Devin Lyttle

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since Jan 26, 2016
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paul wheaton wrote:Total number of people that have said "I will be there with bells on, February 4.  How do I make sure I reserve a spot?":  zero

You had to know that asking people to move to Montana in the dead of winter would be a tough sell But, I'm not most people; so if I can make it happen I will. Not making any promises that I'll be wearing bells though.
8 years ago
Very interested in this opportunity. For me, it's a matter of timing; I've got some things in the works that would prevent me from spending 18 months, virtually off-grid, in Montana (as tempting as it sounds). Do you foresee this opportunity extending beyond this cohort? How many 1 acre plots are going to be made available before it starts looking more like the Wheaton Estates subdivision?
8 years ago