I would highly recommend reading The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases by Dr. Amy Myers.
Several years ago I experienced a very fast onset of severe arthritis symptoms. After trying a number of different natural remedies, I learned of her approach. I made an appointment for diagnosis at her clinic in Austin, TX. At the time she was booked several months out. I then began the diet outlined in her book. After 30 days, my symptoms were 90% eliminated. After 60 days, completely gone. I was able to cancel my appointment and have not had any symptoms return since. She states that once you have one autoimmune disease, you are three times more likely to be diagnosed with a second and/or third. The diet is not easy to follow (basically eliminating anything that could be causing inflammation in the body), but I highly value good health and was extremely motivated. For me, it acted as a re-set' and I have been back to eating a 'normal' organic diet for seven years now.